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"You can't possibly mean that." She said. I turned away from the girl and sighed.

"If it's anyone's fault we are in this mess. It's yours Katara. Miss the fire nation killed my mom so I have every right to try and return the favor no matter what it does to other people and there families."


"No! You're old enough to hear it now. Mom died because of you. Her obligation to protect her water bending child. They were looking for you Katara."

"That's not true." She stuttered.

"If anyone is to blame, it's you for being a water bender. You should have been like Sokka. A non bender."

"Shut up!" She screamed before throwing a wave in our direction. I lifted up my hand creating a giant flame causing the water to immediately turn to steam. When it disappeared she was on the ground crying.

"Hai." Zuko mumbled. I turned and looked at him with a slight nod.

"If the avatar comes to save you I promise I'll do my duty as your sister to help protect you when and if it's needed. But if you can handle yourself don't look to me for help."

"Aang!" Katara said as Iroh and Aang joined us. Aang looks surprised at seeing us with Katara. As Katara hugs him, he briefly smiles at her, then looks over Katara's shoulder at us. "Aang, I knew you would come." She hugs Aang again.

    "Uncle, I don't understand. What are you doing with the Avatar?"

    "Saving you, that's what." I quietly looked around and grabbed Zuko as he growls and takes one confrontational step in Aang's direction. I then moved away and sat in front of the water.

"What is she doing?" Katara's voice said.

"Don't touch her." Zuko replied just as my flames sprouted around me in a circle. The lilac color presented was definitely way hotter then the dark purple flame I had.

It felt like I had become stronger just using it. It was easier to control which was surprising since it came from a place of emotion. I could hear the small gasps as the flames around me swirled around me turning into a fire tornado that I used to cover me as I stood.

"Azula." I said letting the flames die down.

"Hai." Katara said. My eyes narrowed before I looked at her.

"The first chance you get. Escape." She nodded quickly then I heard Zuko yell for Iroh.

An intense shot of blue fire attacks Katara and Aanf from behind. Aang stops it using earthbending, but the impact forces him backward a few steps.

I look over to Azula, the source of the blast, with smoke trailing from her fingertips. Katara uses waterbending to stop another attack, then sends a wave crashing toward Azula, who vaporizes the water with firebending. The mist from the vaporized water allows Azula to jump onto a crystal and firebend two blasts of blue fire.

Together, Aang and Katara use waterbending to stop the blasts. Azula finishes her jump by landing on a rock pillar. Aang uses earthbending on the pillar, and Azula gasps once she notices the pillar crumbling. She jumps off and lands between Katara and Aang. She points at both of them, preparing to attack or defend herself.

"Don't move Princess Hai." A dai li agent said. An orange fire blast lands in the middle of the standoff, and they look to see the source of the fire blast to be Zuko. Zuko looks from Azula to Katara and Aang, choosing who to attack. When he looks at Azula, she is glaring back at him. He then looks at Aang, who gasps once he realizes Zuko will attack him. Zuko firebends at him, and Aang uses airbending to jump away from the blast. Azula smiles at this and starts dueling with Katara, and Zuko furiously throws multiple fire blasts at Aang.

"I wasn't planning on it." I said turning to see multiple. I felt the heat of both Zuko and Azula's flame. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the number of agents in front of me. My body slowly heating up. "Well I mean I do but not because of you."

"What?" My eyes opened and I lifted my hands multiple fire blasts tracked down each agent even if they moved and attacked them. Knocking the majority out.

"Aang!" Katara screamed. Azula standing close to me in a pose that looked to have already stuck lightening. I looked at Katara and saw Aang falling to the ground. I saw Zuko move my way and looked at him to see him shaking his head.

"A fight like this isn't mine." I said before approaching the hole in the ground. "I just won't be told what to do by Earth Benders." I walked out of the hole and looked at the sky. A flying bison now leaving the city.

I'm sorry Katara. I'll make it up to you. One day.

*short skip*

"We've done it, Zuko. It's taken a hundred years, but the Fire Nation has conquered Ba Sing Se."

    "I betrayed Uncle." Zuko said putting his arm around my waist.

    "No, he betrayed you." She stands up from the throne. "Zuko, when you return home, Father will welcome you as a war hero."

    "But I don't have the Avatar. What if Father doesn't restore my honor?"

    "He doesn't need to, Zuko." I said the same bland look on my face. Azula puts a hand on Zuko's shoulder.

"Today, you restored your own honor."

"Azula." I said. "You were right all those years ago." She looked at me slightly confused.

"When am I not?"

"We will return to the fire nation. As Crown Prince and Princess. Our marriage will be announced." Zuko said.

"Always chose your family." I said quietly looking up at Zuko.

*short skip*

"Aren't you cold?" Mai said coming to the deck. She had been trying to get with Zuko for as long as I can remember.

    "I've got a lot on my mind. It's been so long, over three years since I was home. I wonder what's changed. I wonder how I've changed."

    "I just asked if you were cold, I didn't ask for your whole life story." Zuko frowns at her sarcastic response. "Stop worrying."

"Mai, I think it best you don't touch my husband." I said as she started to reach her hand up towards his face, flames appearing between the two.

"I'm sorry Princess Hai."

"I bet." I said before wrapping my arms around Zuko. He leant down and kissed me softly.

"Good night Princess Hai, Prince Zuko." She said.

"Whose jealous, now?"

"No need to be." I said shrugging.


"I know who you sleep with." I said before smiling, letting out a little giggle as he picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he carried me back to our room.

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