Chapter 14

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(Picture: Olivia's car)

Skylar POV

My mouth drops as my eyes land on the shiny black Lamborghini in the almost completely dark room. Holy shit. Are you kidding me? Something clicks next to where Olivia is standing and the lights flicker on revealing hundreds of expensive cars and motorcycles all with shiny black coats and some with red, green or blue patterns.

"Why are you so surprised princess?" Olivia smirks and nudges me playfully "what did you expect?"

"I don't know maybe a few fancy cars but" I pause looking around trying to figure out how many vehicles were parked in the large garage "not fifty"

"Six" Olivia mutters and I stare at her confused before she finally clears her throat mumbling "there's fifty-six actually"

"Wow you really are rich" Olivia chuckles following me with her arms around my torso as I walk in between the cars looking at them carefully, trying to figure out what kind they were.

"Yes well at least you can use me for my money now so you know" I turn around in her arms slapping her chest softly with my mouth open in a shocked smile

"I wouldn't-" Olivia cuts me off by pecking my lips and brushing my hair with her fingers. I blush at the tingling feeling that spreads from the soft contact of her lips pressing agains mine and lean in to hug her. Why am I so cuddly all of a sudden?

"I know I'm just joking" she grabs my hand and pulls me back towards the Lamborghini opening the door for me with a bow. I laugh and climb inside sitting on the comfortable leather seats. Olivia grins at me as she slips inside and turns the car on slowly. Why is she grinning like that and where the hell did that key come from?

She slowly pulls out of the parking space and grins at me one last time before slamming her foot down on the gas. I cling onto my seatbelt as Olivia speeds through the narrow path, drifting the corners and laughing at my probably ridiculously scared face. She speeds up as we near a wall and I close my eyes, curling up in a ball as she races towards it. Oh my god the fuck did I get myself into?

I flinch slight as Olivia's hand settles on my thigh and try not to blush as I look up at her. The stupid idiot's driving normally along a tree lined road and trying to hold back a smile.

"You're sleeping on the couch" I hiss and flip her off as I turn away causing her hand to drop from my leg

"I don't even sleep Princess" I huff at her smart ass comment and her hand settles on my leg again. I see her face grow sincere as she squeezes my knee and whisper softly to me "I'm sorry Skylar, I didn't mean to make you that scared"

"Focus on driving, you'll crash us" I brush her hand away focusing on not showing how much it affected me.

"I won't" I watch the trees and shove her hand away each time it finds its way to my leg again. The trees stop speeding past and Olivia turns to me as she stops the car. In the middle of the road.

"What the fuck what if another car-" I'm cut off as Olivia grabs the side of my face and smashes her lips against mine. My hands move to her shoulders to push her away but wrap around her neck to pull her closer instead. Her lips feel heavenly against mine and tingles spread through my body as we kiss. She bites my lip softly and I moan into her mouth. She uses that moment to slip her tongue into my mouth and I lift myself up over my seat and onto hers to straddle her as out tongues dance together. Olivia's hands move from my face to my lower back and my thigh as we kiss and heat spreads on my skin as she strokes my leg gently. Wait fuck I'm supposed to be mad at her! I bite her tongue and lean away falling back into my seat and staring out the window again.

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