A World So Much Bigger, Pt. II

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"Where are you going?" Felix asks, and it comes out more bluntly than he intended. He was just on his way back to his room when he spotted Minho by the front door, looking as if he planned to leave. He's not usually in the habit of questioning his member's whereabouts but something in Minho's face makes him pause.

Minho chuckles. "Out," he answers, obviously amused by Felix's tone, slipping into his shoes.

A few weeks ago, Felix would have been sure Minho was meeting up with Jisung for a late dinner, and he wouldn't even have thought about asking, but things have changed now, and there's a voice inside him that keeps pushing to ask. To not let him go without that answer. He can't even be sure if it's his own voice.

"Where?" he asks, treading on thin ground. There's a tiny sliver of hope for a moment, that Minho is indeed going to get Jisung from the studio where Felix knows he still is. He does that sometimes, trying to sense where everyone is. Until he's reaching for Hyunjin unable to find him. On good days he can let it go. On bad days he sends him a short text, sometimes getting a silly selfie back in return.

Minho turns when his hand is already on the door handle, looking at Felix as if he's contemplating something. "You want to come with?" he asks finally, his voice serious. Not Jisung, then.

"Yes." Felix answers immediately, fully aware that he doesn't even know where Minho is going but it doesn't matter now. He can't explain it, but this seems important.

"Don't tell anyone," Minho adds while he in turn waits for Felix to put on his shoes, which is a quick affair, and then they're out the door. It's still hot outside, the summer heat simmering even now that the sun is about to go down.

Felix nods, knowing what Minho means. Keep your emotions in check. Don't let anyone else in. Don't tell.

Instead of the front door of their building, Minho leads them down to the garage, and his steps are sure as they approach one of the manager's cars that are parked at the very back of it.

"Are we stealing a car?" Felix asks, half amused and half scared when he realizes that that's exactly what's happening. Staff doesn't like them to drive around on their own while they're home, so they don't usually have access to the car keys. Except for Chan maybe, Felix wonders. It's never been a problem before since only Chan, Changbin and Minho have a license and they always have someone from the staff drive them to wherever they need to be. Because usually, it's okay for staff to know where they're going. And it's not that it surprises Felix that Minho would do such a thing. He's always been someone who does whatever is necessary when it's necessary. What scares Felix is what might have brought this on.

He can feel that. Even though Minho's been very good at hiding his emotions from all of them, Felix sometimes thinks that he can still sense more than most of the others.

Minho waves with the key in his hand. "Just burrowing."

"Where are we going?" Felix asks again once they're inside and buckled in, and Minho steers the car onto the street.

"You'll see."

He says it casually, but where Felix would usually get amusement and mischief, a sign that Minho enjoyed playing with him, Felix sees tension instead. Dread pools low in his stomach.

"Are we stealing a car?" A voice asks from the backseat, and then Changbin leans over, one arm on each front seat. As solid as he was actually here. Felix still startles, even though he'd felt the telltale tingle in the back of his head a moment before he appeared.

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