The Sum Of Seven, Part III

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The building sits innocently between two others, white and boring, the outside not telling of the horrors Felix imagines inside. The sun is down now and this part of town quiet. There's no cafe or restaurant close by, not on this street anyway, and the offices have closed, so there's no one walking around.

Minho parks the car a few streets away, and they walk the rest of the way, hoodies pulled up and masks on their faces, just in case. They've brainstormed what to do, and how to start on the drive here, and they've come to the conclusion that brazen boldness should be the best first step.

Jisung and Minho walk through the front door of the clinic, and unseen, Felix trails behind.

A young man is waiting at the entrance, his professional smile appearing the moment he spots them.

"Good evening, how can I be of help?"

Jisung takes the lead, pulling his mask down, and countering the guy's professional smile with a flirty one.

"We would like to visit our friend, Hwang Hyunjin."

Felix flinches at the sound of Hyunjin's name. He's still not sure if this is the best idea, if exposing themselves like this will work.

On the plane, thousands of miles away, both his hands hold tightly onto the armrests, and he hopes if someone around him watches they will just see a poor boy who seems to be a nervous flyer, white knuckles around the armrests, and a blank look on his face.

"Uhm-," the guy blushes, clearly thrown off by the way Jisung looks at him, and there's irritation nipping at Felix's mind. He's pretty sure it's coming from Minho. "He's on the restricted floor, so I'm afraid visiting hours are over for today."

"No," Jisung gasps, laying it on thick while Felix's head is dizzy with the knowledge that he's actually here. That they found him. "Did we miss it? We didn't know." Jisung puts on his best pout and it seems to work, at least a little bit, and the guy gives Jisung a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry, I'm afraid you did. Visiting hours will start tomorrow at 10 and I could get you on the list to be approved by his physician?"

Jisung beams. "That would be great!" He gives him their names, their real names, and Felix is pretty sure that the guy is finally realizing who they are by the way he's blushing furiously.

A young woman enters and nods politely towards their little group, and then she makes her way to a discreet door next to the reception desk, the beeping of the keypad playing a melody Felix wants to record and use for later, but maybe that's Jisung's thought, he can't fully tell. The door closes after her with a soft click, but to Felix it sounds like a prison door falling shut; a cold, metallic sound echoing through the hall with a finality that creeps into his veins. For a precious few seconds, Hyunjin was just up a few flights of stairs. Just in another room, as if they were at the company building and Felix sitting with Chan in his studio, knowing Hyunjin was dancing in the basement. A short walk away. Nothing more.

"Could you explain the way?" Jisung says, leaning just a little bit closer, only it's no longer Jisung talking, not to Felix's eyes. Seungmin smiles, tilting his head. "You know, just in case you won't be here tomorrow to help me."

Minho snorts next to Felix.

The poor guy laughs nervously. "It's on the fifth floor, I don't know which room, I'm sorry. But when you come after twelve tomorrow, I'll-," he trips over his own words. "I'll be here then."

"After twelve it is then." Seungmin gives him another flirty smile before turning around.


"Seungmin-ah, you enjoyed that, didn't you?" Minho teases when they leave the building, and Felix doesn't need a mind link to sense the pride swinging in his words.

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