No Endings

142 15 4

Full circle ending

"Also referred to as a Tied Ending, this is when the story ends where it began."



"Movie night!" Jisung shouts from somewhere in the kitchen, followed by another squeal, and Felix isn't sure he wants to know, only saw Seungmin and Minho follow him with plastic bags full of takeout five minutes ago.

"What happened?" he still asks when Minho appears next to him, watching over Felix's shoulder as he searches through Netflix. He's doing that a lot lately. Minho's too lazy to actually leave the place he's physically in. Or too happy to be in several places at once.

"You don't wanna know," he chirps pleasantly and groans when Felix lingers too long at one particular movie. "No, choose another."

"You choose, hyung," Felix puts the tablet to the side, and Minho groans again. "Not fair," he shouts from the kitchen.

Felix lingers a bit. Not just in the room, but connected to the others, all of them at once, but not deeply, just hovering on the surface of it, and it's calm. Pleasant. Like waking up from a good dream and carrying that feeling with him all day.

The others are streaming in one by one.

Jisung and Minho emerge first, claiming the best part of the couch, pressed close to each other for now, but it'll only take a few minutes until they're fully entangled. Seungmin comes after, balancing the food on several plates. Felix jumps up to help, walking twice from the kitchen to the living room and back, placing the last of it on the table just as Jisung is browsing for the movie to watch and Chan and Changbin are coming through the door.

Felix watches them, both too wrapped up in conversation to notice any onlookers, something about a rap part in a song Felix has yet to hear. He listens and watches until Chan's words patter off and Changbin grins broadly, stealing a kiss before any of the others see them and start teasing.

Jeongin is right on their heels, still tying off his shoes talking to Seungmin as if they've been having a conversation that started half an hour ago.

The last is Hyunjin. He's coming out of his room when the rest of them have already settled around the table with the food and the movie has been going for five minutes.

"Ahhhhhh, I'm coming, I'm coming," he squeals, limbs flailing as he steps carefully between the members and makes his way across the room to where Felix is already waiting, leaning forward for him to slip in behind him. A lot of the time it's the other way around and it's Felix holding Hyunjin in a hug from the back, but every now and then Felix enjoys being held, and letting his head rest against Hyunjin's shoulder.

Connecting to Hyunjin comes easiest now. Like a magnet snapping back into its place.

It's not that soft tingle either, the cautious touch, but it's complete from the beginning, a full-body hug, where it's a whisper with everyone else.

Jisung, at some point, told Felix that that's what it feels like with Minho, and he was blushing so hard they both burst out laughing.

Felix reaches for Hyunjin and Hyunjin welcomes him, making a happy noise next to his ear and pulling Felix closer.

"Oh, come on," Seungmin calls from his spot on the other side of them, but his annoyed tone is betrayed by the fact that they can all feel how happy it makes him to have them all together like this, even when Jisung ends up playing with Minho's hair, Felix placing kisses to the side of Hyunjin's face, and Chan falling asleep in the crook of Changbin's neck. Especially then.

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