Minus One

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It happens just after the last of the managers left for the day. A good twenty minutes after, as if the universe is granting them small mercies.

Felix hears a piercing scream and for the first few moments can't tell that it's not coming from him, the pain in his chest knocking the breath out of him. His whole body is cramping up and he's bending down, his hand holding his chest as if he can stop it from aching, stop his heart from bursting out of his ribcage.

He staggers out of his room, forcing air into his lungs, breath by hard-won breath, holding onto the doorframe and then the wall to keep himself upright.

More screaming, and now he understands where it's coming from, recognizes Hyunjin's voice that is traveling through all of them, ripping through them, and Felix tries to find him through the bond, instead, he finds Changbin, and follows him along the hallway of his dorm. There's another sort of pain laced into the first, the relief of finally getting a glimpse of feeling Hyunjin, even if it's secondhand. Even if it's like this.

Changbin makes it over to Hyunjin's room, step by step just like Felix in his own dorm, with a white-knuckled grip on the wall. Felix tries to stick with him but he flickers, jumping from one to the other. There's Jisung, curled up on the floor of his room, and then he's in the kitchen of his own dorm, where Seungmin's holding onto the chair with his arms shaking, panting just like Felix is panting, and there's so much pain between all of them.

Changbin reaches Hyunjin just when Felix finds him again, with Jisung just stumbling into Hyunjin's room right after, both of them reaching for the frantic, wailing figure on the bed. Felix stops by the door.

"I can't feel him anymore," Hyunjin cries, tears streaming down his face. His hands don't stop moving, and no muscle in his body standing still. "I can't feel Iyen-ah!"

And Felix knew, felt it the moment the pain started, felt who was missing as if being ripped from him. He'd listened to the screams first, concentrated on the immediate, if only not to have to face the inevitable pain of the loss.

The link to Jeongin is gone.

There's crashing in the hallway, not in Felix's dorm but in Changbin's, and it sounds as if furniture is falling to the ground. Changbin runs out of the room, adrenaline surging high, Felix with him, and they see Chan trying to put on shoes, but his hands are shaking so hard he can barely manage to hold onto one.

"Innie," Chan gasps and his eyes are comically wide. It's the same look that Felix's seen on Hyunjn's face. Pure and utter shock. "I have to find Innie, I have to find my Innie, I have to..."

He manages one shoe and, by some miracle, the other, and only then does Felix see the chair on the ground next to him and all the other shoes toppled over.

"You can't drive like that," Changbin says, and they're both watching Chan's hands shake as he reaches for the car keys.

"I need to find Innie," Chan replies, more like a mantra now than a response. He sways as he gets up and heads to the door, and Changbin is right behind him, holding him back.

"You can't drive like that, man!"

"But I can." Minho appears next to them, and he doesn't shake, looks deadly calm somehow, and Felix isn't sure if that's not worse.

"I can, too," Changbin protests.

"Someone needs to stay with Hyunjin and Sungie."

Chan is already out the door, Changbin following him, Minho running next to them although he's not really here, and Felix doesn't even check where he actually is. "I can drive, hyung," Changbin insists. "You take care of the kids, please."

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