The Sum Of Seven, Part II

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Felix comes back slowly, in bits and pieces. He flickers between the other members too, as if he can't hold on to himself, instead jumping from consciousness to consciousness. He sits with Chan in a car, but he's also at the dorm with Minho, and he's also walking the streets of Seoul with Jisung, who's stone-faced and silent. He's on the train with Jeongin, and this time there's no resistance when Felix shows up next to him, Jeongin just pulls him close, rubbing his shoulder with a stern expression on his face. Changbin just holds him when he shows up, and Felix can feel the worry simmering in Changbin, much stronger than what he shows on his face. Seungmin is quiet like Felix is, being anywhere but in his body. Felix doesn't ask but he suspects that Seungmin is reaching for Hyunjin, again and again, like running against a padded wall.

Chan gets him home somehow, to the Bang home, and the universe seems to be on his side because no one else is there when they make their way up to Lucas's room, and Chan positions Felix on the bed, a steadying hand on him at all times. Felix is still out of it, awake, but the fear has numbed him to the point where time slows and drags, and sounds stop just inches before him.

Chan calls someone then, and Felix strains to listen, wondering if the person on the other end can sense that something has changed. That Chan - trusting, faithful, son-of-JYP Chan - does no longer trust any of them, but will instead pretend and say what he has to, to get one of his own back. Felix hadn't fully understood it the night they talked to BamBam, but now he does, every single one of them does. It's them vs. the company now.

"... called to see if you can tell me which hospital Hyunjin stays at?" Chan asks, and he sounds so casual, almost bored. He's slouched on his chair, playing with a pen, and only the erratic movements of that pen show the emotions Chan is so expertly keeping out of his voice.

The rest of the members are scattered in the room, and Felix can tell that the bond is stronger somehow, or his own walls are weaker than they usually are because he can feel every single one of them, restrained worry singing with one voice through their bodies.

Felix sits up on the bed and leans forward to hear the conversation better, and Changbin next to him places a hand on his knee as if to hold him in place.

Chan is speaking to Chung-hee, one of their longest-working staff members, someone they're all calling a friend. "I just want to bring a few clothes and his sketchbook over so he doesn't get too bored."

"Another hospital?" Chung-hee says over the speaker, and Chan and Minho share a glance. "I didn't know they would actually keep him overnight?"

Chan laughs. Casual. Normal. "Yeah I know, I was surprised too."

"Well, we aren't the doctors, so."

Another shared chuckle and Felix's stomach turns. Seungmin whispers something under his breath that makes Jisung look over with wide eyes. They're all on edge.

Chan clears his throat. "Very true. So do you know which hospital it is?"

There's shuffling on the other end. "No. Hmm, I didn't get a text either. I think Baekhyun should know, let me see if I can reach him and figure that out, alright?"

"Baekhyun," Changbin growls, balling his hands into fists.

Baekhyun is one of the new guys, someone who's been with the company for a long time but who was just assigned to Division One. Felix has only talked to him a couple of times so far and he tries to remember now if there were any signs that something is wrong with him.


There's no text or call back for the rest of the night. Chan tries Chung-hee again but only gets his voicemail. His text goes unanswered. They theorize about the explanations for it, varying from mundane, innocent ones to dark and sinister, until Minho puts a stop to it and tells them all to shut up.

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