Of Bodies And Minds

184 14 10

(* this chapter contains an orgy scene. if this is not your thing, read until ooo and then go to the next chapter)



Hyunjin asks him to stay in his room that night too. Felix is not sure if it's entirely Hyunjin's idea when the thought was on his mind the whole day.

He asks quietly on their way back from the restaurant, his face half-turned as if he's trying to be casual, making it seem like the outcome doesn't matter to him that much at all. But he doesn't say anything about Felix intensely thinking about it the whole day, so Felix doesn't bring it up either. He says yes when Hyunjin asks and doesn't pry.

Instead he spends the ride back contentrating on keeping the excitement to himself.

And maybe it has nothing to do with wanting Felix near, maybe it's about wanting any member near, and Felix would understand that too.

In Paris, they had gone to dinner with their hosts, making conversation and putting all their energy into being present and polite, leaving the best impression. In Seoul, they'd sat crammed in Chan's room in the dorm, unable to stop the tears on their leader's face as he confessed to something he kept hidden for so long. Barely anyone kept a dry eye.

This night they go to bed early, Felix and Hyunjin, once they're back from Seoul, back into their own consciousness, grappling with what they've learned. But they're slipping into the same bed again, and Felix can't help but be thankful for these small pockets of peace.

He dares to cuddle closer this time, hugging Hyunjin from the back and making happy noises until Hyunjin outright laughs. It feels safe like this, almost brotherly, even though they've never really been brothers to each other. Family, yes, family always.

So Hyunjin lets him stay, and Felix feels sleep come quick and heavy, and soon they're both drifting off.


It can't be much later that Felix wakes again. He's not sure what exactly made him stir, feels around in his head, sleep-drunk as he is, and he brushes up against Changbin, only to snap back when he finds something private, something he wasn't meant to see.

Chan is with him, and they're kissing lazily, but Felix picked up on the arousal in both of them, and it's lingering with him now, spreading like it's contagious, and Felix wants to lean into it, like a cat pushing against the hand petting them.

He looks over to where Hyunjin is still sleeping. He's turned towards him this time, face pillowed on both hands, his mouth slightly open and his lips look plush and inviting and Felix wants to kiss him so badly that the thought makes him dizzy.

He slips out of their bed.

He trudges into the bathroom where he turns on the light by the mirror so as not to wake Hyunjin, but he can't quite shake Chan and Changbin, feels them just on the outskirts of his mind, like the sounds of a party a few buildings over that you can still hear, even with the doors closed. They're not the only ones. Minho and Jisung fall into the mix, together the same way Chan and Changbin are, and Felix wrecks his brain to understand how they're all at home until he remembers that Seungmin and I.N. have extended vocal lessons in the morning, and then they're about to have two days off.

Another thought takes hold and Felix doesn't want to allow it, his cheeks aflame when he lets it in. Are they in the same dorm? Are they next to each other?

He physically shakes his head to rid himself of the thoughts, the intrusion that he can't help, can't stop on his own. And then his mind wanders back to the present. The here and now where Hyunjin is sleeping in the bed Felix is about to return to. Temptation in its purest form. Aphrodite's son. Felix had seen that online a few days ago, and he had laughed then, a painful broken kind of laugh as he realized that the whole world could see what he is seeing every day. He isn't proud of the jealousy that's pulsating in that thought.

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