Chapter 30

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"So do you know where we're going now that we are in less danger?" Annabeth asked the raccoon piloting the ship and he just huffed a 'no', "Oh great, so you mean to say that we escaped just to get lost among the stars?" 

"Stop complaining and let me think will ya?!" Rocket growled looking over at her and Annabeth kept his staring contest for a few moments before huffing herself and sitting in the co-pilot's seat. "If I know him like I do, Quinn, or Gamorah for that matter, will know that something is wrong. Hell if they don't realize something by now Groot will definitely be all over them for not thinking something's gone wrong."

"And how does that matter if we are lost?" Annabeth asked and Rocket looked at her pointedly. 

"Because they'll be following my tracker beacon and hopefully meet us halfway to wherever it is I see that's familiar." He said and Annabeth sighed before going over to one of the compartments in the side of the ceiling and grabbing a big book before going back over and sitting down to read. "Now what are you doing?" Rocket looked over at her slightly annoyed but at the same time curious. 

"Reading about the systems of this ship so I can actually help with something other than being a drain on out already limited food and water supplies." She said and Rocket raised a furry eye-brow at her. 

"Okay...where did you even find that in the first place?" He didn't remember her going through the ship, or hearing anything opening and closing while he operated the ship. 

"When you were busy dealing with the three hostile ships we came across earlier." She responded and Rocket hummed. That would probably been a pain in the ass with the maneuvers he had to use but at least she was trying to be helpful. "And I just found something interesting..." She got up and started to move towards the rear of the ship, and while Rocket was curious as to what she found he didn't care enough to get up and follow her. 

...That is until she stabbed the floor with her knife and started tearing apart their ship. 

Rocket quickly put the ship onto autopilot controls and tore out of his seat to stop her from damaging something important, but when he got over to her he saw her reaching down to something in a part of the ship he didn't even realize was hollow, and when she pulled out her arm she was holding some kind of device. Rocket recognized it though, as it was a spacial compression cube used for storing things, usually they were extremely big, or they were really important. 

"How did you know it was there?" He asked as he took the cube and looked for a way to open it. 

"I was reading the schematics of the ship and noticing things that could be improved here and there based on what I know of physics, but I was also thinking about if there was an area of the ship to hide something this would be that place, so I figured it wouldn't hurt to see if my hunch was right." Annabeth said, "Plus I don't think I damaged anything important anyways. I kept my blade away from the life-support wires, and made sure to look where I was cutting before-hand." 

"It only took me a few seconds to get out of that chair and over here, so how did you get to this so fast and keep from damaging things like that?" Rocket asked and Annabeth shrugged. 

"After I was immortalized I realized I could do certain things faster than I could before, and figuring out solutions to problems was one of them." She said and there was a click as Rocket squeezed the cube about to ask her a question and the steady beeping noises coming from it drew in their attention pretty quickly. "What did you do?"

"I don't know," Rocket said, "I was just messing with it a little to see if it would open." 

"That doesn't sound like something that's opening," 

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