Chapter 47: A phone call

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Pov y/n

Even though the bed was comfortable, I didn't sleep very well, waking up a few times at night and taking some time to fall back asleep.

My mind is running with thoughts, thinking about moving to England with Wanda and what that means. I wouldn't say I'm ready to do this, it's a huge step in multiple ways but what other chance do we have if we don't want to be caught?

I wake up in the morning, feeling my body aching from the fight yesterday. Wanda moves around a little next to me and by her not so even breathing, I can tell she is also awake now. I turn around to face her and she looks tiredly at me.

"Rough night?" I ask, my voice cracking a little mid-sentence. She nods and yawns.

"I'd say I woke up around every time that you did too." She says, her voice also raspy and I brush some hair out of her face.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." I apologize but she smiles softly and brushes her thumb over my cheek.

"Don't worry, you didn't. Maybe it was a weird way of connection between us, I don't know." She says and I hum, maybe. "But even though I did quite some thinking, I'm not much smarter considering our further situation." She admits, her hand moving under the blanket and to my side, where she slides it under my hoodie.

Her fingers on my bare skin feel nice, calming in some way and when she starts to mindlessly draw random shapes, I can't help it but to smile.

"Me neither but I did think of one thing." I tell her and bite my lip, worried about her reaction because I'm not so sure about it myself. Her green eyes softly look into mine and I take a breath before just saying it.

"Do you remember, that my father told me, that he is a real-estate agent?" I ask and she nods before she understands and her eyes widen a little.

"You want to call him?" She asks, her voice a mix between surprised and shocked. I nod.

"I know, it's a little weird but we need somewhere to stay and on our own, we probably won't find something and hiring a real-estate agent is really expensive. Maybe he can help us find something without us needing to pay." I explain and Wanda stays silent for a few moments before she thinks about it and slowly nods.

"That is a fair point." She agrees and I nod. She thinks about it a little further before speaking again.
"Before you call him though, we maybe should consider a few other things." She says and I look at her, waiting for her to continue.

"First of all, we need money, or else we can't pay rent. If we both get a job, that could work but I don't know how expensive apartments are in London but they for sure aren't cheap. Then, we maybe need new ID's. If we check in anywhere, I am pretty sure, the US government will find us." She says and I have to admit that I haven't thought of that but she's right.
They want to find us, so they will check everything for our names.
We need new ID's. Another thought comes to my mind.

"What about school and me being underage? I doubt that we would be able to pay for education and an apartment with a part-time job. Also, how are we supposed to get into school in the middle of the school year. And I don't know if people would hire me when I'm underage." I ramble a little, feeling my thoughts spinning faster, none really in my reach.

Wanda's hand settles on my side, stopping with the drawing and I look at her. I can tell she doesn't know either but the calmness in her eyes makes me panic a little less.

"I don't know about either of those things but we will be able to manage that, don't worry. Besides, you're not alone, I'm with you and I have you." She assures me and kisses my forehead, her lips feeling soft.
I nod slowly and take a deep breath, I am not alone, we will manage together.

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