Kickstart for the Summer

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The sun peeked through the curtains of the window, hitting Amber's skin. The raven haired girl slowly opened her eyes, squinting as she sat up. Her mouth opened and she let out a yawn, stretching a bit.

It was officially the first week day of summer and her last summer before the end of high school. Amber would be a senior this fall, and she'd be lying if she said it didn't make her feel at least a bit sad.

It seemed like yesterday that she was about to start high school, yet here she was now, entering her last year. Waves of different emotions flooded her, but before it could get too much into her head, Amber reached over for her phone, picking it up from her nightstand and unplugging it from the charging cord.

She unlocked it, seeing several notifications pop up. Some were from her friends in the group chat they all had, some were from her parents telling her they had left for work and would likely not be back home till much later, but only one text notification really mattered to her.

The raven haired girl smiled as she saw her best friend's name and clicked on the notification. The text read:

Tara <3:
good morning Freeman :)

Amber began typing out a message, her day already going good just because of Tara's message. Tara has been her best friend since they were 5, and Amber couldn't have asked for anyone other than the older girl to be her best friend.

good morning Carpenter. how ya doing?
Tara <3:
good, i've just been bored for the last three hours
three hours? jesus, what time did you wake up?
Tara <3:
lol 7, but it's whatever. idm anyways, since it's not like i was out late last night
smh why didn't you call me? i would've kept you entertained ;)

It was nothing new or weird for the two to flirt with each other, but it did lead their friends to make fun of them and joke about the two being a couple. Mindy was the one to make the most amount of comments and jokes, but everyone else in their friend group could easily agree with what she had to say.

Tara <3:
lol, careful with that, Wes won't like that.

Wes was Tara's boyfriend. They've been dating on and off for about a year now, and Amber hated it. She hated Wes' guts and the fact that he was able to kiss, hold, and even fuck Tara.

It was no secret that Amber had feelings for her best friend. The girl was mesmerized by her since the very moment they met. Tara was someone with a beautiful soul and anyone would be lucky to have her. She just hated the fact that it wasn't her.

right, forgot about that.
i'm assuming you two are still together?
Tara <3:

If there was one thing she hated most, it was the fact that Tara would always end up going back to Wes after he'd treat her like shit. Amber wasn't sure why, considering that it was very much out of character for the older girl. Tara wasn't one to go back to someone if they treated her like shit, but for whatever reason she did it with Wes. It pissed Amber off.

i still don't get why you got back together with him. it's not like you're in his league anyways.
Tara <3:
meh, he's fun to be around when he isn't being an asshole
yeah, right.
Tara <3:
Amber, don't start
but enough about that. wanna come over?

Any feelings of hurt, jealousy or annoyance were gone the moment Tara had asked her that. She loved spending time with her best friend and would literally drop everything just to hang out and see her again.

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