New Friends?

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"So why exactly are we here today?" Mindy groaned as the group sat in the diner Liv and Tara used to work at. It was a Monday, one of the three days off that Amber and Tara had, and also Anika and Liv's days off. Except Tara had gone in earlier that day to cover one of her coworker's shifts.

Tara had called everyone to meet at the diner to hangout, but never told anyone why. This was also the first time in the last five days that they had seen the girl.

"Because we're hanging out, Mindy." Wes said as if it was obvious.
"I know that, I just mean, why are we hanging out here?" The film nerd rephrased, eliciting a soft chuckle from Tara.

She knew nobody really wanted to spend their time there, but it was the only place she could think of at the time she texted her friends and asked them to hang out. And it's not like they would spend the majority of their time there anyway.

All they were doing at the diner was meeting up and getting food, after which they could do whatever they pleased. Except for Wes, who had to go meet with his band at 5 pm. It gave them a good 3 hours to hang out with the kid, so it didn't matter all too much.

"It was the only place I could think of at the time." The dark haired girl shrugged. Mindy just chose to not say anything else. It wasn't the place she really wanted to get food at, but it was what it was. They'd leave soon enough anyway.

The group started chatting for a bit, mostly asking Wes how his band stuff was going and if things between him and his mom were still weird. He got into a huge fight with her just a few days after him and Tara broke up. That was the same day he realized just how much she influenced him for the worst.

Wes yelled at her, telling her that everything Tara said about her was right. He also brought up the fact that she needed to get her head out of her own ass and stop thinking she was better than everyone. The whole situation with Sam and Judy's deep and unjustified hatred for the older Carpenter also was brought up, and of course the blonde was quick to defend Sam and call his mother out for being a bitch for no reason.

It was an experience for him to say the least, but he was glad that he finally did the right thing. It wasn't just for Tara and Sam, it was for himself. Nobody really knew what started the argument, but they were glad that it happened because it made things better.

"I take it everything with the band is going well?" Tara asked Wes, and Amber just watched the two interact with each other. After their talk when they agreed to call a truce, Amber felt better, but it was still a big adjustment.

And her jealousy also started to get slightly better, but was still present a tiny bit.

"Yeah, it's going great. Thank you for asking." Wes smiled at her, and for the first time in a while, there was none of that awkward tension between the group that was usually there after the former couple would break up.

"Of course! I know how much you love music." Tara said in a gentle tone. Amber just had a small smile on her face, not exactly sure of how to act.

"We actually have a show a week from now. It'd be cool to have you guys there, if you're down, that is."

The last time Wes had a show with his band was probably three months ago. It was during his and Tara's break up, and the experience was very awkward. Amber couldn't stand being there and having to listen to Wes singing songs about how he wanted Tara back.

"Yeah, Liv and I will be there." Chad quickly told the Sheriff's son, to which Liv nodded in agreement.

"I'll come too!" Anika said, quite eager to hear Wes and his band play. She'd heard from the group that they had pretty fun shows, and was excited to see it for herself. Plus, they would be going for free.

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