Big Things and Issues

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Danny walked into the coffee shop, his brows furrowing as he noticed a familiar woman sitting at a table near the window. The last person he expected to be here was in fact here, but life's full of surprises, right?

The cop decided to order himself a coffee first before heading over to the woman. He quickly got his coffee and walked over, standing next to the table where the woman was busy looking over some files.

"Fancy seeing you here, Agent Reed." He said, and the blonde looked up. There was a bit of shock on her face, before she gave him a tight lipped smile.

It's been around a month since they've closed the case, and Danny would've expected Kirby to be back in Atlanta by now. What she was doing in SF still, he had no idea. It could be that the FBI told her to stay here for a bit longer, just to double check that everything was actually good, but it's been a month, shouldn't she technically be back home now?

"Hello Danny." The blonde said, feeling a bit awkward about their interaction. She hadn't spoken to either him or Sam in a month, not after that conversation she had with the younger woman.

"Mind if I sit here?" Danny asked. She gestured for him to sit and he did, sitting across. "How are you?"

Kirby wasn't sure how to answer that. She wasn't the worst, but she wasn't the best either. Things at work were good, with plenty of new opportunities arising for her, but if you were to ask about her personal life outside of work, then that's where things got rough.

She's been holed up at home for the majority of the time, refusing to go out and have fun and live life. No amount of convincing from her coworkers could get her out of her apartment. Kirby was literally being a hermit and refusing to do anything.

Jill and Olivia came to visit her and were genuinely concerned for their friend when they saw the state she was in. Kirby's apartment was a mess, as was she. No amount of makeup could hide away the exhaustion on her face and in her eyes. She might've hid it well from her colleagues, but not her friends.

They knew her for years, after all. They were there when Charlie and Kirby broke up Senior year. They were there when the entire situation with Sam was happening, too. They were through everything Kirby had to go through. They knew very well that some serious shit was happening, if this was the state their best friend was in.

"I'm good. Back to work, things are going great." She lied with a smile. Danny didn't need to know the truth. "How are you? And how are things going with Sam?"

Why she asked him that, Kirby wasn't sure. She didn't want to know the details of how great her former lover's relationship was with him. Not when it would make Kirby feel more shittier than she already did.

Then again, Sam's happiness and wellbeing mattered to her a lot, and Kirby needed to know if Danny was treating her right. She was sure he was, Danny wouldn't hurt a bug, but it didn't hurt to ask.

"I'm good. Returned back to work a week ago, so it's been going great. Thank you for asking." Danny replied, taking a sip of his coffee. "And things with Sam...they're okay."

The older woman furrowed her brows, "Just okay?"

"Yeah. They're not bad, but I know her heart isn't in it."

That was odd. Why wouldn't Sam's heart be in it? She seemed to be into Danny and they were having a good time together. Could it be that she found someone else? Someone that was possibly better than Danny? The possibility was always there.

"Why are you here, Kirby? Weren't you supposed to be back in Atlanta?" Danny said, switching the topic.

"Uh, yeah. They just sent me here to look at a possible transfer to our office." Kirby half lied. She was here for a transfer to her office in Atlanta, but she was also here to look for the office she'd want to work in.

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