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A/N: Might be a bit of a confusing chapter, which I apologize for, but bare with me. Also, half of the chapter is gonna be flashbacks that are going to be related to the argument from last chapter and the things that happened prior to the whole In-n-Out hangout. Enjoy :)

~flashback to after the argument from Amber's POV~
Amber sat in Chad's car, one leg up on the seat, while her hand was supporting her head. She looked out of the window, not saying a single thing, as her friend kept driving around.

They were still in Woodsboro, driving on the backroads, and Chad kept glancing over at her. He understood why she was so pissed, but did think she went a bit too far. There was no need to start any of that fighting in the first place.

Wes made his fair share of mistakes, but it was evident to everyone that he was trying to work through them. And honestly, everyone appreciated it. They were childhood friends, after all, and throwing away that friendship just because three of their friends were in a love triangle seemed like the stupidest thing to do.

Plus, they knew how hard Wes' mom could be from time to time. She was a huge control freak, and Wes loved her too much to not see any wrongdoing from her. When you care so deeply for someone, especially when it's family, it's hard to not recognize that their actions are wrong.

So I guess you could say that Mindy, Chad and Liv didn't blame Wes all too much. They were hurt and a bit annoyed, but they were willing to give him another chance.

"Are you okay, A?" Chad asked after a half hour of silence. After her protests and after the jock having to raise his voice at her, telling her to get in the car, Amber was quiet. She was too busy thinking about what the hell had just happened.

"I don't know." The ravenette replied, still looking out of the window. "Tara's probably so mad at me."

"She's not mad." Chad reassured, "Upset? Yeah. I mean, you ignored her when she was begging you to stop, but not mad."

Amber scoffed, finally turning her head to look at Chad, "I knew better than to keep talking, Chad."

"I know. And Tara knows that you didn't mean to do that, which is why she's not mad at you." Chad reassured her yet again. Amber just shook her head, digging in her front shorts pocket to get out her vape.

The raven head felt bad about the entire situation, but it was too late in time to go and fix it. Too many things were said, and Amber allowed her anger to take control over her.

If only she would have listened to Tara and stopped talking when the older girl asked her to.

So why did she lash out on Wes today? What pushed her over the edge? Amber didn't know. Wes didn't do anything wrong and everything was literally going great. There was no reason for her to get mad at him, at least not this time around.

And Amber wasn't really someone to hold people's pasts against them. She would never forget, of course, but she wouldn't hold it against you either.

Amber didn't know what triggered her, but she needed to find out soon enough. The last thing the raven head wanted was for her anger issues to ruin something that hasn't even started yet.

"I went too far." Amber sighed as she exhaled the smoke out of her mouth. "I should've stayed quiet."

"Yes, you should've, but you also care about Tara. It makes sense that you'd want to defend and protect her, especially when it's got something to do with Wes." Chad made a right turn, starting to drive back to Woodsboro.

Something New Yet So Familiar Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora