Bedroom Window

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Sam was sitting on the couch in the living room watching TV when Tara walked in. She turned it off, getting up from the couch and walking over to the door, where her younger sister was taking off her shoes.

"Hey." Sam spoke, a small smile on her face. Tara looked up, returning her smile. Sam couldn't help but notice something was off.

"Hi." Tara said as she made her way into the kitchen. "Is Richie here?"

Sam shook her head no. Richie had left right after Amber and Tara did, and she hadn't heard from him since. It wasn't a surprise to her at this point, as this has been a habit for the last month. Richie would stay the night at the Carpenter's, wake up, get ready and have breakfast with Sam, then leave and not text her until the end of the day, if not until the next morning.

"No, he left hours ago." Tara watched her sister, furrowing her brows a bit. It was strange to her that Richie had left, considering that usually he stayed for several days in a row before leaving, only to come back like a day later. If it wasn't that, then it would be Sam staying at his place for a night or two, before coming back home with Richie.

Now, though, it wasn't like that. It confused Tara and also made her more concerned. Sam was visibly upset by it, which Tara hated. She wanted her sister to be happy. Even after them not being in each other's lives for five years, Tara couldn't stand seeing Sam hurt or upset.

She loved her sister dearly, and was more than happy when Sam came back. Sure, they argued over it at first, but then grew closer together as more time had passed.

"How was your hang out with the group?" Sam asked, wanting to switch the subject. She also wanted to know why Tara was off, but would ask about it later. Well, that was unless Tara would tell her about it herself.
"Uh it was good. We got food and hung out in downtown for a bit before heading home." Tara shrugged.

"Well that's good, I'm glad you had fun."

Tara chuckled, shaking her head.
"I saw Alexis and we caught up a bit. Apparently the diner is missing Liv and I."

Sam smiled, resting her elbows against the counters.
"I can't help but notice that you seem off. Is everything okay?"

Tara smiled sadly, running a hand through her hair. She took a sip of water, before placing the glass on the counter. Wes' actions was what made her time out with her friends worse, and she wondered why she even bothered staying with him.

It's not like she loved him or anything. Wes was just someone she considered attractive, until he bleached his hair, but there wasn't any serious interest in him. When they started dating, Tara felt bad about saying no. Even if she found him a little attractive, she never intended on dating the guy, yet here they were a year later, dating on and off.

Their relationship was genuinely awkward and somewhat of a middle school relationship. The two hadn't even had sex yet, despite being together for so long. It was partly because Tara didn't want to, but even when she did, it never went past her sucking his dick.

"Just Wes being Wes." She said looking at Sam. "He started so much shit today for no reason, as usual."

Sam gave her a sympathetic look, walking over and giving her sister a hug.
"I'm sorry, that sucks."

Tara shrugged, pulling away.
"It is what it is. I'm just not sure how much longer I can deal with this."

Tara had been trying to break up with Wes literally for the past year. Every time they would break up, it would be because Tara had called it off. She would then go on about her own life, hooking up with others and completely forgetting about Wes, until he would swoop back in, beg Tara to get back together with him, and they'd be back together again in no time.

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