Thanksgiving (Prt. 1)

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A/N: y'all rmbr the lil coke abuse situation i mentioned a few chapters ago that Wes and Amber struggled with? yeah? okay good cuz there's gonna be a mention of that.

Practice before break is never easy. The last game of the season, the one that determined whether or not you'll be State Champions, before break isn't fun or easy either. All your mind can really focus on is just constantly preparing and training to put on one of the best performances of your life.

For Chad and Amber, the last two weeks of school before Thanksgiving Break were intense. Both were constantly practicing for their respective athletic teams, putting in their all.

The first game of basketball season was the first week of December, which was also shared with the last few days of November, and Chad had the championship game a day before Thanksgiving.

Needless to say, both of their team coaches were putting them through hell and back at practice. The amount of drills and exercise they had to do was definitely a lot more than usual and both teens were pushed harder than ever.

The first/last game wasn't the only reason why they were pushed that hard, though. Them being seniors and this being their last season ever also added on to the amount of pressure they'd be put through while playing. It was a blessing and a curse, and Tara was mentally preparing herself to go through the same process when soccer season starts, which was just a month and a half away.

"Alright everyone gather up!" Amber's varsity basketball coach Ellen yelled out.

The girls on the varsity basketball team all set their basketballs down in the basketballs basket and ran over to where Coach was standing. Amber being the Captain of the team meant she'd have to stay after to help the Coach clean up the gym, mostly putting all the balls and other equipment away, which wasn't too bad, but after a tiring practice, it could be a tad bit annoying.

Luckily, though, Coach usually told who was going to stay back and do the cleaning up. Sometimes it was used as a form of extra punishment for failing to get to practice on time or for losing a game against each other during practice games. Most times, though, Coach would tell the team who was staying back to clean up, so Amber usually would be able to go home at the same time everyone on the team would.

"Good job practicing today, I'm pleased with your work, however, we have a game coming up two days after we're back from break. That means we won't have practice for ten days, and I want all of you to practice at home. We need to give the best of our performance on our first game, and the only way we can do that is by practicing at home."

All of the girls listened to Coach Ellen speak, knowing that what the woman was saying was a very valid and important thing. With their first game just around the corner, everyone was required to train extra hard.

The first game determined the rest of the season and if their performance was bad and they ended up losing that first game, then they'd likely end up losing the majority of the games this season. With this being the last season of their high school careers for the majority of the girls, they couldn't let that happen.

"Please practice the drills and the game plays. Put in extra effort and extra workout time as well. I don't want any of you to be unprepared." The middle aged woman said. "However, also make sure to take care of your bodies and health while you're at it. Push hard, but not too hard. Take breaks and take ice baths."

Everyone nodded, secretly hoping that coach would stop talking soon and just let them get changed and go home. The exhibition they felt was making it a bit harder to focus on the woman's words. All everyone wanted to do was go home and rest.

"Amber," The raven haired girl immediately turned her attention to the coach, straightening her back as she waited for her to continue. "as team captain, do you have anything to add or would you like to add anything?"

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