Last Few Days of Freedom

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A/N: some drama coming up for y'all my friends, and it's gonna be some interesting stuff. buckle in because shit is not going to be fun for a bit starting this chapter. and remember, nobody's safe (for now)

The last few days of summer were always the worst. It was the time where everyone had their last minute moments to make the most out of their summer before school started up again, and they would all be forced to study for nine months nonstop. That was always hell for everyone.

Except for our favorite group of friends that we all know and love so much. No, for them these last few days were good, and the start of school was exciting for all. It was their last year of high school, after all. Their last year of being kids before having to go off into the real world and be adults.

And, for Anika, Quinn and Ethan, it was all the more exciting, given that they would be going to a new school. That gave them the opportunity to make new friends and meet new people. Opportunities arose for them left and right, and who wouldn't be excited about that?

Sure, starting at a new school with only just a year left might've not been the most ideal thing, but they already had their group of friends who meant the world to them and would likely be around for the rest of their lives. They taught them so much and were super close with them, despite only knowing them for two months.

That was all the three new comers needed. The friend group was there, as was the support. And everything else would come for them soon. At the end of the day, the three knew they had people to rely on in case of anything.

"How are you feeling about starting at Woodsboro High in just a week from today?" Mindy asked as she flung her arm around her girlfriend's shoulders. The group was meeting up to go to the beach today, and were currently waiting for Tara and Amber.

Both girls were working this morning, but should've been off and on their way to meet their friends. The two were the ones who arranged this entire hangout as well, but for some reason were the last ones to arrive.

"Honestly I'm pretty excited." Anika replied, looking at her girlfriend. "Don't get me wrong, fuck school and all, but it is fun to start my last year at a new school with probably some of the best people in my whole life."

"Probably some of the best?" Mindy questioned, receiving a playful roll of the eyes from the Asian girl.

"Definitely some of the best, love." She corrected, kissing the curly head's cheek.
"You guys are so cute, it's making me sick." Ethan joked, only for Mindy to flip him off. "But I'm pretty excited. Just slightly nervous about how the kids are gonna be."

His redheaded sister scoffed, "Of course you're nervous about that, you pussy. Scared they're gonna bully you because you're a nerd?"

The group laughed, except for Ethan and Wes. Wes was too busy on his phone texting someone, and Ethan was the one getting made fun of. As you can guess, he didn't feel so good about that.

"Don't worry, I highly doubt anyone in school is going to want to waste their time bullying you." Quinn added, as if to reassure her brother. "And to your answer your question, I'm very psyched. It's exciting."

"Ehh, I wouldn't be too sure about nobody wasting their time on bullying. We got a few dudes on the football team who are ruthless." Chad said, wrapping his arms around Liv's waist.

A look of concern mixed in with a tad bit of fear flashed through Ethan's face at his words.

"Oh God."

"Oh for fuck's sake, Ethan! You'll be fine." Quinn sighed, rolling her eyes at her brother. "You're friends with Chad, I don't think they'll want to go after you."

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