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A/N: Songs for this chapter: Pleaser by Wallows, Are You Bored Yet? by Wallows, Shirt by SZA, Seek & Destroy by SZA, Ghost in the Machine by SZA and Phoebe Bridgers, I Hate U by SZA,  Far by SZA, Trouble by Cage The Elephant, SPIT IN MY FACE! by ThxSoMch, like that by Bea Miller, buy me diamonds by Bea Miller

Amber talked with her best friend's sister for another hour before they both decided to head to bed. They also quickly realized that Tara was asleep after the girl didn't come back after thirty minutes of being gone.

Amber's perspective on Sam had changed completely, and she was actually growing fond of Sam. Their talk really showed her how caring, kind and cool Sam was, and she was glad that Tara had her as a sister. Sam even told Amber about why she left her for five years.

The twenty four year old told Amber about the guilt she felt from it all, and hated herself for pulling away and ghosting her younger sister. Amber reassured her that Tara didn't blame her for leaving. Finding out something as serious as who your real father is isn't easy. And then the whole thing of having your step father leave home...it gets to you.

The only thing Amber did ask was whether or not Sam had told Tara about it, and she did. Tara knew since a few days after Sam came back home. She just didn't tell any of her friends that because it wasn't her place to do so, and it was also their family matter.

Amber respected that, thinking that because of how serious their situation was, it should probably be between them only. The only thing was, Sam and Tara's mother was a drunk, so chances of it being a family matter only were slim. However, nobody in their friend group or at school had approached Tara about it, which made Amber think that maybe it was just a rumor that ran around the older generation of Woodsboro only.

Either that or kids at school just respected Tara and weren't going to shove their nose in the Carpenter family business. Which was a likely possibility, considering their status at school. The entire friend group was pretty popular and well respected after all. Except maybe for Wes, who people didn't pay too much mind to.

They respected him, but the difference in popularity for him compared to the rest of the group was big. Most people kind of didn't care much for him, since he was the Sheriff's son, and that did make them feel some type of way. He was known as the goody goody two shoes of the group, making it less likely for people to surround themselves with. Because who would want to risk the Sheriff's son snitching them out for doing stupid shit?

Sam woke up early, having to get ready for work. She almost called out because of how tired she was, and also due to the slight high she was still feeling. However, the older Carpenter went against it, especially because she didn't want to risk losing her promotion that would be happening just at the start of next month.

Not like she would, considering that her boss loved her and she hadn't skipped a day of work once, but Sam wanted to play it safe. The older sister was in the kitchen cooking breakfast when Amber came downstairs.

"Good morning." Amber said, rubbing her eyes from the slight bit of tiredness she felt.
"Good morning." Sam replied, turning to look at the ravenette. She gave her a smile before looking at the time. "It's 8:30 in the morning, what are you doing up this early?"

Amber chuckled, sitting down on one of the high chairs near the kitchen island.

"I just woke up early and couldn't go back to sleep." She said, a yawn escaping her lips. "And your sister woke me up. She woke up like right before I did and was going to the bathroom, but woke me up in the process."

Sam chuckled, grabbing another pan to make breakfast for Amber and Tara. She was making a simple eggs and bacon breakfast, not really having the time for anything else. She also didn't have the ingredients, and would be in a need to hit the grocery store later.

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