Admit It

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A/N: this chapter has mentions of eating disorders and depression so be advised before reading. I also don't have songs for this chapter, so my bad. But enjoy the read :)

A couple of days had passed since Tara and Amber had seen or spoken to each other. Neither girl knew how to, considering that what they did was still very hard for them to wrap their minds around.

It's not like either of them were avoiding each other, but they kind of were at the same time. Their friends picked up on it, and were growing concerned. Mindy kept texting Tara, asking her what was going on, only for the girl to ignore her.

She didn't want Mindy knowing what happened, at least not yet. She needed to figure out things between her and Amber first before talking about it with her friend.

Amber, too, kept it away. The raven head wasn't about to inform her friends about her and Tara's hook up, especially since she didn't know how Tara would react to it. The last thing Amber wanted to do was break a boundary, even if there wasn't one set in place.

It was a Wednesday afternoon, and Sam was currently on her two hour lunch break. She was working for 14 hours today, since her manager had called out sick and there wasn't anyone to cover his shift until 5:30 pm.

Tara knew this and couldn't help but feel bad for her sister. She decided to cheer Sam up by heading over to her work, after which the two of them would go to a diner nearby Sam's work to grab some food.

The younger Carpenter had no plans for the rest of the day since getting off work, and despite the fact that Mindy invited her to hangout with Chad, Liv, her and Amber, the girl passed up on the offer.

She wasn't ready to see Amber, and hanging out with her best friend before the two could even talk about what had happened between them just five days prior didn't seem like the best idea.

"Thank you for hanging out with me, T. I greatly appreciate it." Sam said as they made their way over to the diner. Tara smiled, wrapping her arm around her older sister's waist.

"Of course. It's the least I can do to make your shit show of a work day better." She said, eliciting a soft chuckle from Sam.

The older Carpenter was beyond exhausted. The entire day was nothing but a mess. Aside from her having to cover half of her boss' shift, several people had called out, making it harder for the rest of the team, and the restaurant was pretty busy, which meant that Sam and everyone who did show up to work had to run back and forth the entire time.

Sam had to extend her shift, and asked a few of her staff to extend. Those who were only supposed to work for 4-6 hours agreed, which also meant that Sam would have to give them lunches and extra breaks. It was a lot.

"Why aren't you hanging out with your friends, though? Aren't most of them free?" Sam asked as her and Tara reached the diner.

"They are, but I just don't feel like hanging out with them right now. I'll see them on Friday, when we all hang out as a group." Tara shrugged, avoiding the real reason why she wasn't hanging out with her friends.

The two walked inside of the diner, which was somewhat busy. Kids ran around and laughed, while their parents scolded them for not listening to them or for not eating their food. Sam winced slightly when she heard a baby crying.

Much to both of their surprise, Sam and Tara ran into the twins, Liv and Amber at the diner. Tara stopped in her tracks upon seeing her friends, and it took Sam a moment to realize what happened.

The group hadn't noticed them at first, and the sisters started walking towards a booth on the right side of the diner when Amber finally noticed them.

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