Break Up Just to Make Up (Prt. 3)

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A/N: fyi this chapter is gonna be a bit all over the place w timing, cuz it's gonna take them a lil bit to get back to normal. not too much cuz i don't wanna make them suffer and i dont wanna make y'all suffer, but yk, this shit isn't gonna be fixed overnight. and Liv, Amber and Mindy kinda did this to themselves (Wes stayed neutral the whole time once Tara started hanging out w Chad to support him cuz yk, Wes saw where Tara was coming from and he didn't wanna be a hypocrite, and Quinn wasn't exactly too involved in this so nobody was really all that mad at her)

chxinz is this enough drama for you? 😭 (i'm sorry i put u thru that tho)

okay okay, i'm done talking, and let's get to it, yeah?

~ flashback to after Sam, Anika, Tara and Chad left the scene after exposing Ethan ~

The five teens stood in silence for a moment after the four left. Anika and Sam's words kept playing on repeat for all of them, but especially for Amber, who was finally hit with the realization of what the fuck happened and what she did.

The words that both of the Carpenters said to her were like a slap back to reality for her, and the ravenette had to do her best to keep her composure. She couldn't break down right now. Not here and not in front of her friends.

Truth be told, Amber wasn't handling this situation as good as she made it out to be. Behind closed doors, the raven haired girl spent a good chunk of time crying her eyes out, wondering why Tara would do this to her.

She didn't understand how the older girl could go and cheat on her, and cheat on her with her best friend and their friend's ex (?) boyfriend. It wasn't a Tara thing to do, unless it actually was and Tara was just really good at hiding her true colors.

That was also something that was fucking with Amber's mind greatly. This entire situation was just so confusing for her. On one hand, it did seem pretty real and possible that it was true, but on the other hand, it made absolutely no sense.

Just like something about Chad's cheating didn't make sense.

Amber knew both, Chad and Tara, for years, as they had grown up together and were pretty much like family. She knew both of them inside and out, Chad not as much as Tara, but regardless, she knew them. And with that in mind, the raven head was starting to question if any of this was actually real.

Chad never displayed the qualities of being a cheater, and neither did Tara. Despite the older girl cheating on Wes back at the end of May, she was actually a pretty loyal girl. And her cheating on him kind of was a mistake, plus the relationship was at the verge of breaking anyway.

Not excusable, but kind of at the same time. And Wes also cheated on her that same night, so it wasn't all that bad.

The point is, Tara wasn't a cheater and never would be. The same thing goes for Chad. Both teens were two of the most loyal people out there, and neither of them would actually stoop that low to get with each other just because of the situation their entire friend group was currently dealing with.

Then again, you could never really trust anyone. Not even the people closest to you that you might think you know inside and out. There's always that possibility of them fucking you over one way or another.

Amber had her ex Jess to thank for that.

This is why this was so confusing and mind fucking for her, too, but she couldn't talk about it with any of her friends that she was still speaking to. The tension from this entire thing brought everyone a lot of emotions, specifically anger, and everyone currently had their minds overclouded by anger.

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