Old Fling

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Sam's eyes fluttered open, and she squinted as the sun hit her. Her head hurt from the slight headache she had, and the twenty four knew she should've drank liquid IV last night. It would've helped prevent the headache in the morning, after all.

After a moment of adjusting to the light and trying to wake up, Sam closed her eyes once more and rolled over on the bed. While her going back to sleep was unlikely, she wasn't against staying in bed for a bit longer. It was her day off either way, and Delilah would likely be asleep until 2-3 in the afternoon anyway.

The younger cousin slept for at least 12 hours after a night out and some hard partying. It was a blessing and a curse, since Sam could take her sweet time staying in bed or doing whatever she wanted while Delilah was asleep, but if they had plans the following day, then it was a pain in the ass.

Sam would have to wake her up and wait for Delilah to get ready, only for the woman to complain about the headache and tiredness she was feeling. They didn't have any plans for the day, at least not really. There was a planned dinner at the Carpenters' later, but that wasn't until 6-7 pm, which gave everyone more than enough time to recover from last night.

Sam's eyes shot wide open once again when she felt someone shifting next to her on the bed, and the woman looked back, her eyes widening even more when she saw a sleeping Kirby next to her. The blonde was also naked, and Sam had to look at her own body to see if Kirby still just slept naked every night.

When Sam realized that she was naked as well, she laid flat on her back, going over the events of last night to try and figure out what the fuck happened.

~flashback to when Kirby and Sam went upstairs~
The two made their way inside of Kirby's room that the woman would stay in when she slept over at her aunt and uncle's. The blonde closed the door behind them and turned to face Sam, who was standing in the middle of the room.

"I'm going to take a quick shower if you don't mind." Kirby told Sam, who just gave her a firm nod, eyes scanning the woman in front of her. "I think there are some shorts and tank tops left in the drawers for you to change."

The last time Kirby stayed over at the Freemans' was for Christmas break, which she barely managed to get time off for. With the FBI needing her to be on call at all times, it was a bit difficult to find time to see her family, but she still managed to find a way to come see her family, even if it was for a couple of days.

"Cool, thank you Kirbs." Sam smiled, and the FBI agent nodded, heading inside of the bathroom and closing the door behind her.

Sam was left alone in the room, hearing the shower getting turned on. She let out a small sigh and pulled her phone out, texting Delilah to see if her cousin had made it home safely.

The 23 year old was staying with Danny and Trevor at the AirBnB they rented, so Sam didn't have to worry about not being home with Delilah and leaving her cousin stranded. She knew Delilah was coming to Woodsboro for a few days, but didn't know what the plan was.

Luckily Del told her that she was coming up with a few of her friends and they'd be staying in an AirBnB. Delilah didn't want to worry Sam and Tara too much about setting up a room for her, and also didn't want to stress them out with having to worry about making her feel at home.

She knew that both, Sam and Tara, would be busy with work too, both having pretty important positions at their jobs, so this worked out perfectly. Plus, she'd want to hook up with a few Woodsboro strangers anyway, and doing it in her cousins' home didn't feel right.

Sam let out a soft chuckle as she read Delilah's text about how Danny was very intrigued by Sam. The two had spent a good amount of time tonight talking, and had a good time together. Sam found him interesting too, and definitely wanted to learn more about him.

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