Win It

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"Relax, you'll be fine."

She could hear the words that were being said to her, but something inside her brain was refusing to fully comprehend those words.

"You'll win this game. You're more than capable of it, too. You're the best player on a team with really good players on it. All the training you and your team put into this has been paying off, and it will pay off again tonight. All will be well. The team got this, and most importantly, you got this. It'll be okay."

The soothing, gentle words of encouragement and reassurance were nice, don't get her wrong, but she just couldn't grasp them or believe them. At least not in that moment. Her nerves were too high, which is fine as of right now, but if those nerves didn't come down by the time the game started, then she'd be fucked. It fucked her over before, and she wasn't about to go through this same exact situation again. Not this time around. Not when everything was at stake for her, the team, and the school. They just got their title back, they couldn't lose it again.

Amber wasn't gonna let that happen.

"Amb, look, shit is rough, okay?" Chad chimed in, trying to help Tara out in soothing her girlfriend. "The last game before the state championship is always tough, because you're unaware of what's going to happen. There's that 50-50 chance of winning or losing, and it fucks with your head so badly, you're terrified of fucking up. But I know you and your capabilities. I know you can do this and win this game. You're the baddest bitch I know, and literally the best Woman's Basketball player in the state. You can do it."

The ravenette let out a sigh and closed her eyes. She couldn't do this right now, regardless of how sweet and considerate it was of her girlfriend and their friends to try and reassure her that all will be fine. Amber needed a moment to just sit with it. Which, nobody knew about because she didn't communicate that to them. It wasn't on them, though, it was on her, but regardless, words of comfort, reassurance and encouragement weren't it for her right now.

Tara looked at her girlfriend and pursed her lips, seemingly reading the younger's mind. And for a brief second she felt stupid for not realizing it the moment Amber didn't respond to what she was saying, but then quickly realized that it wasn't a mistake on her end, and that it was okay. She didn't know, and it wasn't on her or on Amber for that.

"Guys, let her sit with it," The dark haired girl said as she looked up at their friends. "Let her sit with her emotions. That's what she needs, not our words."

The friend group took a moment, looking at the older girl with confusion written on their faces, before giving her a firm nod and resorting back to whatever they were doing prior to Amber's sudden mood shift. If the ravenette needed time to sit with her own thoughts and not talk to anyone, then they would let her do that. Especially when this game meant so much more to her than any other game.


The gym was packed with people from Woodsboro High, the town folk and anybody that wanted to come from the opposing team. The cheerleaders for both schools did their own routines, trying to wind up the crowd before both teams' players ran out. People held up signs, shouting their respective school's name, pumped up for the final game. There was still over an hour before the game started, but if it wasn't for how big and important this game was, then there certainly wouldn't be a crowd as big as the one there currently was.

Chad, Wes and Mindy sat in the front row, with a seat saved next to them for Tara, who was off doing her own thing. What it was, nobody knew, but they figured it was important. Anika, Quinn and Liv were busy with the cheer squad, occasionally looking over at the twins and Wes to give them a quick wave and a smile. Liv and Anika sometimes even blew little kisses over at their partners.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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