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Songs for the chapter: Wild One by Hippie Sabotage, West Coast by Lana Del Rey, Can't Stop by Red Hot Chili Peppers, Road Trippin' by Red Hot Chili Peppers, Drifter by Hippie Sabotage, Be With You by LEISURE, Fade Into You by Mazzy Star, Funky I Like It by Babe Rainbow, Swim by Chase Atlantic, Moonlight by Kali Uchis, Scar Tissue by Red Hot Chili Peppers, Hot Sugar by Glass Animals, Space Ghost To Coast by Glass Animals, Melon and the Coconut by Glass Animals

Tara's alarm blared and she got out of her bed. It was still dark out and was just around 3:15 am. The girl managed to walk into the bathroom and wash her face with cold water, hoping that would help her wake up a bit.

She started brushing her teeth, throwing her hair in a messy bun once she was done. Tara walked back into her room and threw on a pair of blue jeans with a black Starbucks shirt before grabbing her work bag, her phone and keys and heading downstairs.

The short girl didn't bother eating breakfast at home, deciding that she'd do it at work. With Sam asleep and Christina likely being passed out on the couch, Tara figured it'd be best to eat at work anyway.

She walked out of the house, locking the door behind her and going over to the car. She unlocked the door and got in, grateful that this was her last shift for the next three days. Her, Amber and Sam would be leaving for LA today once Tara would get off work.

As Tara drove to her work, she watched the empty streets. There were a few cars and people here and there, but other than that it was mostly empty. The dimly lit streets looked so peaceful, and Tara was glad that she worked mostly openings for her store.

The drive to the store was short, taking only about 15 minutes before she arrived. It made sense, as it was literally 3:50 in the morning and everyone was asleep. Her friends and coworkers sometimes called her insane for willingly waking up that early in the morning just so that she could go to work.

They would understand getting to work at 7 or 8, but 4? Now that was something else. Tara didn't mind, though. It was peaceful and comforting, in a sense. She had time to be in her own world while at work, even if it was for just a few hours.

Tara found a parking spot right at the front of the store, and she could see her coworker through the store window, walking in and out of the lobby. He was carrying boxes to the back, likely putting away the order that had come in yesterday evening.

She got out of her car and walked towards the door, knocking on it and gaining the shift lead's attention. The man smiled, quickly walking over to the door and opening it.

"Hey girl! How are you?" The man was in his mid-late thirties, with a buzzcut and probably a few inches taller than Amber. His name was Kirin and he was one of the sweetest and chillest people on earth.

He genuinely didn't give a fuck about what you did at work or if you called out, as long as you did your job properly. If you showed up to work drunk, high, or crossfaded, he also wouldn't care. He smoked weed at work himself anyway.

Tara loved him. The majority of her team was great and she had managed to form a close bond with all of them, but out of all, Kirin was definitely the best. Any of her coworkers could agree with her on that.

"I'm good, how are you?" Tara smiled at him, going in to do her Daily Check In and clock in to start her shift. She quickly signed the paper that stated she was in the clear to work today, which was signed by Kirin, and the man smiled at her.

"I'm good. Just preparing to deal with the shitty customers and hold back from wanting to cuss them out."

Tara laughed, knowing what he meant. Most of their customers weren't too bad, but there were a few shitty ones that really managed to get on your nerves from time to time.

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