Last First Day

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The music was blaring throughout the entire house as Amber made her way out of the basement with a case of beer for her friends. The party has been going on for around three hours now, and the ravenette was getting ready to shut it down. It was close to midnight, and she wasn't planning on having it last for longer than 12:30 am.

Had it been earlier in the summer, Amber really wouldn't care much, but given that school was two days away, she wanted and needed everyone to get used to the idea of her parties shutting down earlier than 1 am.

Chad, Wes and Ethan were in the kitchen taking shots. Last time Amber saw them, the three boys were chugging beer together. Quinn, Liv and Tara were out dancing together. Amber was with them for a hot minute, before deciding to do one last round around the house to make sure everything was still in good shape.

And as for Anika and Mindy, the last time Amber saw them, they were in the living room, watching a movie. Well, not exactly watching, more like making out, but who cares. The entire house reeked of booze and weed, and Amber was not excited for cleaning up the mess tomorrow.

She knew she had to, given that her parents would be back Sunday evening, but she wasn't excited for it. Lucky for her, Tara had offered to help her clean tomorrow. Both girls were off work, having the weekend off before the start of school, which was great. Gave them a bit of time to spend together.

The ravenette was tired and a bit stressed. Nothing too bad was happening, but while making her rounds, she may or may not have heard a familiar voice. She thought she might've seen them too, and it stressed her out. If her suspicions were right and it was the right person, then things could very much get out of hand very fast.

"To our last year in high school!" Chad said, raising his shot glass. He was surrounded by other jocks and Wes and Ethan. All were pretty drunk and Amber was wondering if she would need to let any of them spend the night.

"To our last year in high schools!" The jocks and Wes and Ethan all repeated, downing the tequila. Amber walked up to her three friends and raised an eyebrow. They were seriously getting more drinks?

"Shots? Really? It's almost the end of the rager and you're drinking more?" Amber asked, looking at the three guys.
"Oh come on, it's just a few shots." Wes said.
"Besides, it's the last party before we start school again. Might as well get as fucked up as possible." Chad added, pouring Wes, Ethan and himself another shot.

"Absolutely." Ethan said after taking another shot. "I think I'm actually gonna join the football team."

A wide grin appeared on Chad's face, and he clapped the curly haired boy's back in excitement.
"That's my boy! That's what I'm talking about!" He said, and went to pour a third shot for all three of them.

The raven haired girl sighed, and went into the living room, where Mindy had Anika were cuddled up next to each other, watching The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Amber made a face, looking down at the two girls.

"Out of all the movies you could've watched, you decided to watch this?" She asked, handing her and Anika a can of beer. "Why?"

The film nerd shrugged, cracking open her can, "It's a good movie."

"And one of my favorites." Anika added, receiving a kiss on the cheek from Mindy.

Liv approached the three as Leatherface shrieked while chasing Sally, also making a face once she saw what her two friends were watching. It wasn't a surprise to her that they'd both decide to watch a horror movie, given that both were into horror, she just didn't expect them to watch that movie.

Anika was significantly less of a horror fan than Mindy, but still enjoyed the genre. It was one of her go to movie genres to watch. That, aside from many other qualities, was what made Mindy so interested in her too when they first met.

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