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A/N: y'all, I lowkey wanna start writing a book with oneshots for Scream. I'd be down to take requests from people and it would be from the entire franchise. My question is, would y'all want to read it if I was to write it?

Also, y'all get two updates today bc i haven't posted in a minute.

None of the three girls returned to their hotel rooms until almost 8 in the morning. Sam was busy spending the night with Jake, who she also ended up hooking up with at his place, and Amber and Tara spent the rest of the night strolling around LA.

They even ended up getting tattoos together, which was definitely not something either of them had planned to do. They both knew they'd be getting tattoos eventually, but didn't think it would happen on their first night in LA.

Amber decided to get a rib tattoo of a rose, which she also had done in color. She also got a neck tattoo and her and Tara got matching tattoos. The two went for a sun and moon tattoo, with Tara getting the moon, and Amber getting the sun.

In their minds, Tara was the sun and Amber was the moon, and getting the opposite of what they were was perfect. It was almost as if they now had a piece of each other on them 24/7. They got them on their triceps, right above the elbow joint, with Amber getting it on her left and Tara on her right.

Aside from the matching tattoo, Tara also got another tattoo, which was on her rib. It was a tattoo of flowers with a butterfly in the middle. Both girls were satisfied with their tattoos, though they did have a suspicion that they'd be lectured by their families later.

Not like it was too big of a deal. They were both 18 and didn't need permission from their parents to get tattooed, so it didn't matter too much. And it was something that they thought through for at least a year prior to getting the said tattoos.

Sam and Amber's parents wouldn't care too much as long as it was thought through and as long as they really wanted it. Sam herself had tattoos. They were small and out of sight, but they were there.

After all three of them got back to their rooms, they went to bed immediately, and only woke up at 1:30 pm. The older Carpenter groaned as she rolled over in her bed and checked the time, her jaw dropping almost immediately as she saw that it was past noon.

She barely managed to get out of bed as she dialed her sister's number, practically running to the shower and turning on the water.

"Hello?" Tara answered the phone, her voice slightly raspy.

"Hey, um I'm so sorry, I just woke up. I didn't get back at a reasonable time, after all." Sam apologized, putting her sister on speaker as she stripped out of her clothes.

A groan and the turning of someone in bed was heard on Tara's side of the call, but Sam paid no mind to it. She figured that her sister and Amber were probably busy doing other things and Sam pulled them away from that.

"Dude, you're fine. We just woke up ourselves." Tara informed her, a yawn following right after. Sam froze, surprised from the information she had heard. What the fuck were Tara and Amber up to last night?

Sam knew what she was doing. She was walking around LA all night with Jake. It wasn't the first time she's been there, but it's been a while since she had stepped foot in that city, so the majority of the night was spent with them just walking around, exploring LA, before they went to another bar for more drinks.

More drinks then led to them going to Jake's place, which led to the two hooking up. If Sam hadn't checked the time on her phone and realized that it was 7:30 in the morning, and if it wasn't for Jake having to get to work at 9, the older Carpenter would've probably not even made it back to the hotel.

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