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"You look pale."

I lifted my gaze at him. Shi was staring at my face while I was busy on my phone. I shook my head at him.

We're currently sitting in the hallway, backstage of the auditorium. We're waiting for them to call us up on stage. It's the day of the Battle of the Bands so it's busy here. We stayed here on the hallway floor because this is the most quiet place for us so we can concentrate.

Shi probably thinks I'm super nervous, that's why I'm pale. I am nervous but not too much. I know we practiced this so I'm confident.

"Do I?"

"Medyo." He nudged Drix who's sitting beside him. The guy then took his attention away from his phone. "Maputla s'ya, 'no?"

Drix looked at me to make an observation. "Hindi ko alam ang pinagkaiba ng maputi at maputla, Shi. Hindi ko ma-distinguish."

"Tanga mo naman."

Drix put his hand on his chest. "Sorry ah."

Shi frowned at him, shaking his head.

"I'm fine, if that's what you're worried about," I told him.

"Sure ka?"

I shrugged. I'm actually not. "Si Saint nga pala?"

"Ewan. Umalis sandali."


I stood up from the floor, turning a corner to look at the other hallways. I saw the other bands talking and practicing while also seated on the floor but Saint is nowhere to be found. I tried looking for him in the CR. When I didn't find him there, I thought of going outside. Maybe he's getting some fresh air.

So I went to the exit door at the back. Opening the door, my eyes adjusted to the light before I could finally see outside. I halted on my step when I finally found him. He's sitting on one of the benches under the tree not far from the auditorium.

And Kath is with him.

I stepped back, closing the door again. My feet walked. When I was back to my senses, I'm already in front of the mirror in the CR.

I looked at myself. The long-sleeved button-down shirt I'm wearing is neat. The black blazer over it doesn't have any crease on it. The necktie that was supposed to be loose wraps tightly on the collar of my shirt because the loose-tie style doesn't suit me at all. The black pants, the belt, the shiny shoes. I'm wearing the same thing as Shi, and Drix, and Saint. This is the attire we decided to wear for this performance. A manly, formal attire.

A man.


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