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This story hits close to home. Even though my situation isn't as bad as Vy's, it's still hard for me to ask for help even on small things. I'm prideful and also, I was never really taught how to talk about my feelings. I grew up in a home like that.

I have present parents. But sometimes, when I needed someone, I just never felt like I could turn to them. To tell you the truth, I still feel embarrassed crying in front of them or showing those kinds of emotions. My mindset is that life isn't depressing so why should I feel this way? And I just can't bring myself to show them my real feelings.

Since I started writing, I've started having something to look forward to in the future. Not that I don't have a dream. It's just that I feel more alive and fulfilled. And with writing, I can bring out something that I'll never get to say out loud.

This is my first story with homosexual love involved (but it won't be the last). With this story, I want you all to learn to not be so hard on yourself for it can bring your downfall in the future. That's the harsh reality of it. Internalized homophobia sucks, isn't it?

Ask help when it feels too much. There's no harm in it. For now, I'm also still learning how to do that. But it's a process.

Find yourself the place you feel the safest to, or a person like Saint. Do your best in life, okay?

For now, I'll be focusing on my third book. Congrats to myself on finishing my second book. Thanks for reading up until this message.

What to expect? We'll be going 5 years back and witness the story of Ivan and Val. My next story is: where will destiny take us?

I'm still improving as a writer so it'll be of help to know your opinions on this story so I can apply those things to my next stories.

For now, I'll be out. See you in my next book!!

love lots,



who am i to you?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon