Extra Short: Happy Birthday, Chi-chan

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It was April 6, Yumiko and the others have just completed their first year of Miyaji and are going on a small break.

"I have some free time...well, I do have some ideas..."

Yumiko muttered to himself before pulling out his phone.

"Regardless of who I am...it's still something I would do..."

He thought to himself as he opened his contacts.

After that, he decided to visit Tsugumi and see how she was doing, after all, he's still her friend.

"Tsugu! You here?"

He called out upon reaching her cafe.

"Miko-kun! Welcome, have a seat!"

Tsugumi welcomed.

"Don't worry, I just want a cake, is Afterglow busy?"

Yumiko stated, bringing out his wallet.

"Afterglow is doing alright. How about you? Is Яverb busy nowadays? I remember you saying something like you might get interviews soon."

Tsugumi asked him, grabbing the cake that Yumiko pointed out to.

"Also...how about your daughter, you're paying enough attention to her, right?"

Tsugumi asked, with a visible pout expecting her to be reassured by the male.

"Of course I am, but her grandparents love to spoil and hog her for themselves, so even if I am her father, I barely have time with her unless I take her back."

He replied with a small laugh at the end.

"Well, just as long as you spend time with her after this, it's fine."

She replied, giving her friend the small cake with a smile.

"Thanks, I'll see you around."

Yumiko said as he left the cafe and decided to walk around, reminiscing old times.

"The playground where I met Ran and the others..."

He muttered, stopping as he gave a soft smile and moving along.

Shortly after, a café that he frequented with Chisato and Kaoru.

He didn't know why he was getting so reminiscent about the past, and why those memories decided to start flowing back now, but he didn't seem to mind it, after all...

"Alright, enough daydreaming!"

Yumiko exclaimed, snapping himself back to reality.

Returning back to his penthouse, he placed the cake down on the table and cleaned up a bit to make some room for a special guest.

"That should do it, Mom should be here later, now..."

Turning to the table, he has a small box that he's been meaning to give Chisato for a while. He then called her on his phone to invite her over on the guise that there was a small emergency, but really it was so they can hang out.

"Chisato, are you free right now?"

Yumiko asked.

"Oh, Miko-kun. I have time, is something the matter?"

She asked.

"Not that big of a deal, but it is a small emergency."

Yumiko said, obviously lying a bit, but he had to to get her to come.

"Alright, I'm coming over right now."

She replied, dropping the call and letting Yumiko prepare the house.

Placing the cake on the table, he made his preparations and decorated the place a bit before Chisato could arrive. After thirty minutes of preparations, Yumiko was left waiting for Chisato, to which she arrived, perfectly on time.

"Miko-kun, I'm here, what's the prob...lem..."

Chisato said, looking at Yumiko who was next to the dining room table holding a party popper.


Yumiko said, pulling the string on the popper before letting out a bright smile.

"It's your first birthday ever since I came back, so I missed doing this stuff."

He explained.

Chisato was just standing there, a gentle smile formed on her face.

"Well, with that reaction, this must be a success. So, I'll go back on my word just for today...Happy Birthday, Chi-chan."

Yumiko said with his gentle lady like smile on his face.

"Sometimes, I forget you're a boy, but this is sweet regardless, thank you, Miko-kun..."

She replied, putting her things down and walking to the table.

Today, I can have the old you for a while, but that's only for today. Soon, I'll get that smile back, I promise you, Yumiko...

"Chi-chan, what are you thinking about?"

Yumiko asked as she poured her some juice.

"Nothing important, let's just enjoy my birthday, Miko-kun."

A/N: Sorry it was late, I was stressing about finals and am almost done, this chapter is so overdue, but hey, anything for my beloved Chisato~!

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