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"Alright don't drop that, that's my grandmother!" Sincere eyes went wide seeing Mike stumble up the stairs with the vase her ashes were in. "Matter fact, hand me that." He dropped the box he held, and took it away from him.

Today was finally move in day, it took him five days to really make a final decision but it was now made.

"I wasn't even about to drop it," Mike mumbled.

Sincere rolled his eyes and placed them down gently on the counter, today was already annoying him and seeing Xavier earlier hadn't made things any better. He was thankful he had asked Mike the favor of going over there with him to get his things incase Xavier was there. He didn't expect Xavier to lash out and try to fight Mike though. It was embarrassing and with Mike being a lawyer he could see Xavier upset about the ass whooping he received and having his family try to come for Mike and his job, which meant coming for Sincere's job.

"You upset with me or something?" Mike grabbed his hand to stop him from angrily putting away his things in his bedroom.

He sat on the bed and pulled Sincere in front of him by his waist, "I literally told you before we arrived exactly what he was going to do, I just wanted my things and to ignore him. Do you know who his people are? I won't be surprised if you go into the office tomorrow and the firm let you go."

Mike chuckled, "Everybody has people that can handle things. I'm good,"

Sincere sighed, "Why are you so nice to me?"

"Why aren't people nice to you?" Mike asked, "I just can't wrap my head around how you dated that little boy I met earlier. One encounter and I couldn't help but to knock his ass down a few notches." He frowned, "I told you the other day that I was serious about taking you out, and showing you that a man can publicly be with you. I'm a grown ass man who knows what he wants,"

After the office scene with Mike a week ago, he pulled Sincere to the side and apologized if he may have came on too strong. Sincere opened up to him about Xavier, and how getting to know a new man wasn't something he could handle right now and he didn't want to mix business with pleasure. He left out the abuse he suffered from but after today, Mike pieced it together. Since then Sincere had just been going with the flow, Mike hadn't tried anything but he was a little touchy. Not in a sexual way, in a more so caring and protective way.

Shaking his head to hide his smile, Sincere stared back to him and looked into his eyes. "Where would this date be? Hypothetically speaking," he asked.

"Wherever I decide to take you,"

"So demanding," Sincere wrapped his arms around his neck, still in the same position as before. "I'd like to go on the date,"

Mike smiled up at him, "Well, after my trip. I'll plan something for us, and you be ready when the time comes. I know you're not looking for anything serious, I get that. Thank you for the opportunity,"

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