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"Sincere, did you forget to set up my twelve o' clock meeting or she just didn't show?" Mike asked stepping into his office.

"I forgot," he mumbled.

Mike sighed, "You've been forgetting important things for the past week now. If you don't want to do your job then let me know and I can find someone else,"

"Fire me then Michael," Sincere stared up at him, Mike was a little shocked because Sin had never called him by his first name. "Do what you have to do, I don't give a fuck." He snapped.

Mike stared at him for a while, "I offered you two weeks off the other day when you came in here and just sat in here crying. You assured me you could still do your job, and refused. You've been practically sleeping in this office and I'm tired of your fuçking attitude with me Sincere. I get if you're going through something— but communicate that so I know how to accommodate you. If you're refusing to take the time off then do your damn job."


Sincere simply laid his head on his desk, Mike let out a frustrated breath and left his office. He didn't understand what was going on— he didn't like it though. It was affecting Sincere's work, for the last week he had did nothing but sulk around and cry. Mike had to do everything he hired Sincere to do, he wasn't a hard boss at all. He was very lenient but Sincere had one more time to snap at him or fuck up before he had seen straight business Mike. That wasn't the boss he wanted to see, it was clear that Mike had been too soft with him.

Hearing his door open again he groaned, "Mike if you—"

"Who the fuçk you just called me?"

Sincere's head shot up hearing Shakur's voice, he went to say something but frowned when he saw Damien walk in and look around his office before his eyes landed on him. "What do y'all want?"

"For you to not to call me yo' other lil boyfriend name,"

"I ain't got no boyfriend, I don't have time for this. What you and your boyfriend want? I'm busy." Sincere rolled his eyes.

Every since the night he broke down and blew up on Shakur he had been avoiding him for various reasons. He was embarrassed, and felt he had been too vulnerable with Shakur— he hated the fact that he blurted out anything about how his uncle used him to live out his gay fantasy and he really was upset that Shakur had seen his wrists. He didn't cut himself to end it all, it was just a way to ease the pain. Although suicide was heavy on his mind, he cut himself to prevent from going further and that night he was going to go further until he had heard Shakur's voice.

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