"Maybe one day but not now."

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Tina took Louise's words to heart. Feeling very supported by her baby sister, Tina kept her promise to stay away from Jimmy Jr. as much as possible. Louise was right, there was no way she could ever get over him if she kept spending all her time with him. Over the next week and a half, Tina had started walking to school with Louise and started hanging out with her siblings more after school again. She even tried sitting with Tammy at lunch, although she was...Tammy so Tina was keeping an eye out for a better table.

That Thursday, Tina hurried at her locker so she could meet up with Louise and Logan at the steps where Logan's friends liked to skateboard. As she shut her locker, she felt someone watching her, but looked around to see no one was there. On her walk to the steps she felt it again. She scanned the area around her, no one in sight. "Weird..."

"Hey, Tina!" Louise stood on the sidewalk, calling out to her sister. "Earth to Tina! Got your butt over here! I've got someone over here waiting for you!" She sang. Tina hurried over with her arms straight down at her side. Louise stopped her right before the steps, quickly freshening up her hair and straightening her navy blue skirt. She looked Tina over. "Eh. Good enough."

"Good enough for wha...?" Louise pulled Tina to the open concrete space where she saw a small group of four kids practicing some dance moves and stretching on the steps. Tina felt butterflies in her stomach when she recognized the boy leaning forward one leg as he stretched it out. Now being eighteen and with many years of being a ballet dancer, Josh had become very fit. He looked over her way as Louise called out to him. He waved back, overly enthusiastic.

Josh hurried over to the two sisters. It had been a little over a year since the last time he had seen Tina. He could hardly contain his excitement when he ran into Louise and she told him her sister would be there soon. "Tina! I've missed you!" Josh scooped her up into the air as he hugged her.

"I've missed you too!" She replied, hugging him back then looked past him when she heard an annoyed groan.

It came from someone Tina felt nervous seeing. Douglas had never been a fan of Tina's and seemed to still feel hatful toward her. Josh set her down and rubbed the back of his neck, "Sorry about him. We're trying to stay friends after the break up but he can still be a bit possessive."

This news brought back Tina's excitement. "Oh, you two broke up..." She said with a slight smile.

"Yeah...it just wasn't working out. I like my freedom and he...." Both Josh and Tina looked back at Douglas, who was still watching them. "He really is not cool with it." Although Josh was not interested in a polyamorous relationship, he was a person with a flirty personality and had no intention of changing this in a relationship.

Tina felt like a dog wagging her tail as she chatted with Josh. A few hours went by and the sun had begun to set. "Well, I better start heading back." Josh reluctantly stood from his spot next to Tina on the steps. He reached out for her hand and helped her to stand. Still holding onto her, he asked, "Think we could do this again some time?"

"Like a date?" Tina asked, hopeful.

Josh chuckled, "If you'd be okay with that..." He said, just as hopeful.

The two agreed to go out. He hugged her one last time and gave her a kiss on the forehead before leaving. Tina watched him go but, again, felt like she was being watched. She looked around behind her but saw no one, again. "Yo, Tina!" Louise shouted out to her sister then tossed a cheap disposable camera to her. "Could you take a picture real quick?"

Logan leaned back with his elbows behind him and began teasing his girlfriend, "Aww! Someone wants to take a photo with me?" Louise leaned back onto his chest with feet up onto the seat.

"Shut up and try to look pretty, got it?"

He wrapped an arm around her waist and placed his hand on her lower back as she looked up at him. "Oh, I'm always pretty." He gave her a cocky smile.

They heard a clicking noise and looked Tina's way. "Got it!"

Louise and Logan had decided to stay back while Tina headed home. During her walk she had that feeling again. That someone was following her and she was tired of it, "Okay! Who ever is following me, come out now!" She thought for a moment, "Unless you're some creepy stalker hoping to murder me, then just uh...go away!"

From behind a bush, Jimmy Jr slowly stepped out. "Hey, Tina..."

"Jimmy Jr?" Tina stood with her mouth open. "What...what are you doing? Have you been following me all day?"

He shifted on his heels, avoiding eye contact. "Yeah...Sorry about that. I just didn't know what was going on! You just started avoiding me!"

"What the freak, Jimmy Jr! That's so weird! Why would you do that!"

"I said I was sorry!" He said with his hands stretched out in front of himself. "But what's going on Tina? Why did you just stop talking to me?"

Tina wasn't sure what to say. She was angry at him for following her around but also felt bad for explaining herself earlier. "I can't be around you anymore...It hurts too much."

"Oh..." Jimmy Jr. looked down. "Well, that's not really fair, Tina." He became defensive, "Why should I be punished? It's not like you were really ever my girlfriend. We're just friends."

Any guilty feeling left her now. "Are you kidding me?" Tina shouted. "'Just friends' my ass!" her face was becoming red and her voice became louder. "How many times have we gone on dates or how about that time we were summer boyfriend and girlfriend? Not to mention all the times we've kissed! I'm sorry, Jimmy Jr. but that's complete b.s. and you know it!"

Jimmy Jr. stayed silent.

Watching him stand there like that, not doing or saying anything just made Tina more angry. "You know what Jimmy freaking Jr! I...I hate you!"

"You...hate me?" Tears welled up the teens eyes. "I'm so sorry, Tina." He took in a sharp breath. "Please don't hate me."

Tina stared at him for a long time, taking deep breaths to try to calm down. "Okay, I don't hate you..." Jimmy Jr. smiled at her with a few tears rolling down his cheeks. "But I can't be friends with you anymore." His smile disappeared. "I want to be happy and that means getting over you. If getting over you means not being friends anymore then that's what I'm going to do. It's not good for me."

Jimmy Jr. felt like his heart was cracking but he knew Tina was right. "Do you think we could ever be friends again?"

"Maybe one day but not now."

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