"He's going to kill me, isn't he?"

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"Louise? Still there?" No answer. "Louise?" Logan stood up and wiggled the door handle while knocking. "Gonna let me in? Or answer me? Or...anything?"

Louise continued to sit against the other side of the door. She just sat there staring off into space. How do you say something like that? She wondered. How do you act like you actually have feeling for me? Louise took a deep breath then stood up and opened the door. She looked up at Logan to meet his eyes. He smiled softly at her...then she slammed the door. "Come on, Louise! Get it together!" She whispered to herself. She opened the door again, met Logan's eyes again, then tried to throw the door shut again.

"Owe!" Logan yelled with one arm and foot blocking the door from closing. Louise's lips curled in as she tried her best not laugh. The door opened up and Logan stepped in. "Are we okay?" He asked limping a little on his way to her bed.

Her eyes narrowed at him. "Maybe if you learned something about personal space!"

A grin appeared on Logan's face. "Well...we both know I've gotten to spend a lot of time in this bed." He winked at her.

"HA! You mean all those times you could never work up the courage to make it to second base? Or even first over half the time?"

Logan's face turned pink. "I...I could have! If I wanted to!"

"Oh so you never wanted to do anything with me when we first got together?"

"Maybe I didn't!"

"That's not what your awkward cuddle boners told me.." She mumbled.

"Shut up! I was only 16! Besides things ended up happening!"

"Yeah! When I started it!" To this Logan's only response was to stick his tongue out like a five year old. "Oh wow! You're so mature!" Louise shouted before doing the same. They continued for a least five minutes before Logan's phone rang.

"Hello!" He sang into the phone. "Yeah. I'm in town already....At a friends house....Sure I can...Yeah! That sounds great!" Curious Louise quickly made her way over to Logan's side to try to listen to what the person on the other side of the phone was saying but Logan kept trying to turn away from her. Finally she hopped up into the bed, pinned him down with a knee on each shoulder, and leaned down to put her ear to the other side of the phone.

What sounded like male voices were laughing and hooting in the background. The guy one the phone with Logan said, "So...wanna stop by a liquor store on your way here? We're kind of running low already...I'll pay you back! I promise!"

"He's lying." Louise whispered. Logan wiggled an arm out from under her knee and covered her mouth.

"Sure! No problem! But I'll need a ride from here and back later tonight."

"Where are you?"

"Remember 'Bob's Burger?'"

"Oh!" Logan's friend laughed. "You're at the little Belcher's place! Still fooling around with that girl?"

Louise pulled back, raised an eyebrow, and waited for Logan's response. "Uh...yeah...we're married now!" Both tried their best not to start laughing when they heard the cheering in the background.

Louise moved Logan's hand off her mouth. "Why are your friends so dumb? They do realize I'm still in high school, right?" Quickly a placed his hand back.

"Yup! So I need to get back to the Mrs. tonight! Who wants to come get me?"

3 A.M.

*Ding! Ding! ding!*

Louise jumped out of her bed at the sound of someone overly enthusiastically ringing the doorbell. She slipped a pair of p.j. pants on and throw on her robe before making her way out of her room then down the stairs to find a very drunk Logan being held up by a friend.

"I believe this belongs to you!" The sober, and also very annoyed friend, passed the drunk over to Louise. He stood for a few moments at the doorway glaring at her.

"What are you waiting on? A tip?" Louise said before shutting the door. She never really liked any of Logan's friends. They always treated her like a bad parent when he did something dumb.

Slowly the two made their way up the stairs. Gently Louise helped Logan lay down on the couch then went off to get him some water and crackers. When she came back into the living room he was up and wobbling around to try to find the remote which was sitting on the middle of the coffee table in front of where she had just laid him down. Louise led her drunk back to the couch then turned on the tv to a quiet kids show. "There! Now sip a little water and go to bed."

"Wait! Don't leave me!" Logan reached out to her.

"I'm going to bed! Night!" Safely back in her room, Louise took off her robe but kept on her bottoms and crawled into bed. As soon as she closed her eyes she heard a moan then the sound of someone puking. Great. Louise got back up and made her way into the living room where a very sad looking Logan stood staring at the couch which was now covered in vomit.

"I'm sorry!" Sad Logan wined. "I didn't mean to! I...I didn't want to sleep alone so I wanted to go find you but...I stood up too fast and..." Logan began to cry a little.

"Ugh...there, there. It's fine." Louise led him into the bathroom. "Can you take off you clothes your self or do you need help?"

"I can..." Logan pulled his shirt up about two inches then began to whimper again.

"You are the worse drunk I have ever met..."

After getting Logan changed then getting him to rinse out his mouth, Louise was able to get him to follow her to bed. They squeezed into her twin sized bed. "How did we ever fit on her together?"

"I used to love it." Logan let out a little giggle. "I could cuddle up to you without you giving me any shit at all. It was great."

This made Louise smile. She cuddled up to Logan and gave him a quick peck on his forehead. "Go to sleep."

As soon as the two began to fall asleep Louise's phone started to ring. Without looking she forwarded the call then started to fall back asleep. After a couple of minutes it rang again so she ignored it again. Then Logan's phone went off a couple of times followed by the house phone. Louise was much too tired to deal with anything else and Logan was already fast asleep. Soon Louise was able to follow suit until she woke up to the sound of Logan's voice. "Hey! That's not your phone! Give me it!" Louise rolled onto Logan and reached for the phone but he was able to pull her arm back with his free hand.

"Don't be a baby!" Logan giggled then began to hand the phone to Louise. As soon as he moved it away from his face it lit up to show the callers name. "It's just...oh shit! It's your dad!" He panicked the hung up the phone without thinking.

Louise narrowed her eyes at him. "Logan..."


"You know he could hear you, right?"

"...yes." Louise stared at Logan's for a few moments till finally he spoke again. "He's going to kill me, isn't he?"

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