"Me neither."

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Logan didn't know how to feel after his visit with his mom. Part of him was frustrated with her, but at the same time, he was glad she seemed willing to try. He was also stressed about the idea of her going to see the Belcher's. Especially without him being there for damage control when his mother inevitably insults them. At the same time, this was huge. His mom was going out of her way to actually sit down to a meal with this family Logan loved so much.


Logan nearly jumped out of his skin when the car behind him honked. He hadn't even noticed himself stopping at a red light, much less that he was still stopped after it turned green. "Maybe I shouldn't be driving..." he said to himself.

Pulling over, Logan looked himself over in his rearview mirror. Man, I could really use a haircut. He stepped out of the car and took the short walk down to a barbershop he had visited once with his dad when he was fifteen. After growing his hair down to his shoulders, Logan's dad dragged him to this shop to cut it short again. The thought made Logan laugh a little. His teenaged self didn't even like the long hair. He just wanted to get a raise out of his parents, who at the time didn't seem to even notice he was alive. They were too busy fighting or avoiding their home to keep from seeing each other.

Hoping back into his car about an hour later, Logan felt refreshed. The old man who had cut his hair was funny and seemed to like Logan. He even shaved off what little stubble was growing on the young man's face with a straight razor for free.

Logan had just started his car when he caught sight of a familiar face. Not wanting anymore stress today, he did the mature thing...he turned off the car, slid back his seat, then hid on the floor of his car, counting to one hundred before he peeked to see if she was gone. As soon as his eyes peered through the windshield, they met with Christy's. Both stared at each other for a solid minute.

Eventually, feeling like he had regained some amount of consciousness, Logan sat back in his seat and rolled down his window. "...Hi," was all he could mange.

Christy frowned. "Don't think I'm supposed to talk to you anymore, right?" There was a long, painful pause. She then let out a moan, "Do you need something?"

"Oh! Um...no. I just..." Logan cleared his throat. "I'm sorry...about...well you know."

"The yelling?"

"More like angry hissing?" He somewhat joked. There was a long pause again. "I mean, I am still pretty upset about the whole thing. I just feel bad about how I handled it."

Christy kept a blank expression. "Yeah, well, I probably could've handled things a lot better too."

"Yeah..." She glared. "Did you think I'd disagree? Seriously, that was really shitty." Logan went on, "I can't imagine what was going through your mind when you ran off to my mom and..."

"Can we stop talking about this?" She cut him off. Logan just shrugged then started his car again. Remembering his seat had been pushed back so that he could hide, Logan then had to bring it back up as Christy continued to stare.

Once his seat was back into place, Logan awkwardly said goodbye then quickly drove away. Yup. I hate being on this island. He thought to himself. Before leaving though, he decided to make one more stop.

The apartment door only opened enough to see one of Luke's eyes. "Hey..." His voice clearly gave away his worries.

"Hey! Gonna undo the chain lock and let me in?"

"Um...yeah, so that really depends. Are you going to kick my ass?"

Logan let out a breath. "No, Luke. I will not be kicking your ass...today. I've gotta look nice later so I can't be having you mess up my hair." He ran a hand through his freshly cut and style blond hair.

Luke shut the door then opened it again, all the way this time. Throwing his arms around his friend's neck and squeezing tightly. "I am so sorry, dude! I was thinking with the wrong head! Do you still love me?"

Laughing, Logan patted Luke's back. "Of course." The two boys hung out for the next hour. Just as Logan was getting ready to leave, his phone rang. Seeing it the "BB" poop up on the screen, he quickly answered. "Hey Linda!" He chuckled at her ranting. "No, I'm fine. I just my hair cut and went to see a buddy after my mom's." Bob's voice could be heard in the background, causing Logan to laugh. Linda then asked how things went with his mom. "They, uh, went okay...I guess." She told him about Louise being dragged out of the restaurant. "Oh, poor Louise." He laughed harder at the thought of Louise having to sit through hours of Amber.

Logan then remembered what his mom had said. "Oh yeah! There's one more thing...my mom actually wants to come over tonight. To, uh, eat dinner with you and Bob...Are you sure? It's not a problem? Okay. See ya!" He looked over to his friend. "Is this going to be bad?"

Luke shrugged, "I wouldn't want to eat with your mom."

Letting out a breath, Logan agree, "Yeah. Me neither."

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