"Could he really be a theif?"

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It was a strange but exciting day in the burger shop. Louise and Bob worked the grill while Logan and Linda worked the counter. Although Linda was more focused on Tina and Josh, who sat next to an excited Teddy. Lucky for Tina, Josh was much better in social situations than she could ever dream to be so he was able to handle any and all questions throw by Teddy and Tina's loving but over enthusiastic mother.

"So do you want a boy or girl?" Linda squealed.

"If it's a boy can you name him Teddy?" Teddy let out an awkward laugh. "No, I'm kidding! That would be stupid. So...stupid."

Josh placed a gentle hand on Teddy's shoulder. "We'll think about it," he then turned to Linda,"but I have a feeling it's a girl."

"Oh a baby girl! Just like my Tina!" Linda scooped Tina's face into her hands and gave her a big kiss on the forehead as her daughter let out a groan.

"Hopefully, just as beautiful as Tina is, inside and out." Josh knew just to melt both Linda and Tina's hearts. Both women let out loving signs. Even Teddy was giving Josh dreamy eyes.

Logan, on the other hand, sounded like he was choking as he tried to hold back his laughter. "Ha!" Louise shouted from the back causing Logan to burst out into a laughing frenzy. As much as Bob hated to admit it, he glad to see his daughter this happy again with Logan. She had been throwing out cleaver insults all morning and couldn't stop smiling. It reminded Bob of when she was still that little girl serving the Child Molester Burger...with candy.

"Things are slowing down a bit out there. Think you can handle the grill alone while I clean off some tables?"

"Oh, I don't know, Dad. How am I going to make all these orders alone?" Louise gestured to the one slip of paper hanging on a thin wire infront of them. It would be Teddy's third order so far.

"Ha. Ha." Bob sarcastically laughed as he made his way out of the kitchen. As he opened the door he caught sight of two kids pressing their open mouths against the outside window. "No. No! Stop it!" He shouted and ran out to give them a talking to. The boy ran off as fast as possible when he saw Bob but the girl first gave the window a good lick before running after her friend. Bob groaned then stomped back inside to grab window cleaner and a rag.

"Bobby! You scared off the cute kids!"

"Cute?" Bob stared at his wife, dumbfounded. "Look at our window!" He pointed to the saliva covered glass. "That's not cute, Lin!"

Linda laughed and gave Bob a big kiss. "Just think about it! In about ten years that's going to be our grand baby licking those windows and making your face all red."

Bob looked at Tina, who simply smiled back. "Great..." He made his way back outside and began cleaning.

"Hey! Need any help?" Asked a familiar voice. Bob turned to see Eliot. He stood just out of sight of the dinners windows to avoid being seen by Logan or Louise.

Bob smiled. "Hey! It's been a while! How are you?"

"Fine! Just enjoying the nice weather!"

Bob looked up at the cloudy sky. "Looks likes it's going to rain..."

"Yeah! I like ran!"

"Do you? I thought you got sick really easy?"

"I...uh...yeah! I do! I just like to walk around...before the rain starts! To enjoy the...grey sky and stuff before it actually starts and I have to go inside."

"Ok..." Bob chuckled. "I guess there's no point to cleaning this window if it's going to rain anyways. Some dumb kids were licking all over it...wanna come inside for some food?"

Elliot glanced into the dinner and saw Logan talking to Louise through the kitchen window. "No thanks!"

"Are you sure? Louise is working today. I bet she'd like to see you."

"I doubt it." Elliot mumbled.

Bob stared at the boy, confused. Louise and Elliot had become decently close friends over the past school year. He had been over to their house several times and Louise even allowed him in her room. "Did something happen?"

"Well..." Elliot thought for a moment. What could he really say? That he tried to suggest that he had slept with Louise then almost had his head ripped off by Logan? That Louise would probably kill him if she saw him again because of said lie? "Well it's that guy. The blond." He gestured to Logan. "Yesterday I caught him pocket some cash a customer had given him so I told Louise but she said it was probably just a tip."

"Well it could've been. Logan's a bit of a charmer. The kid gets more tips then anyone. Even Linda!"

"A twenty dollar tip?"

Bob started at Elliot for a moment to see if he was seriously suggesting that Logan had stollen from him. He just waited to find any sign that this was a joke but the face that stared back at him showed no sign of kidding. "So you're telling me Logan might be stealing money from me? You know he's Louise's boyfriend, right? He would be stealing from her too."

"Look, I'm just telling you what I saw." Elliot rubbed the back of his neck then looked up at the sky. "It's about to rain. I should probably go." He then turned away and left leaving Bob to think about what he had just been told.

Bob looked back inside at Logan and Louise. Louise seemed to be picking on him, as usually, and Logan tried, but failed, to be the clever one. Bob didn't know what to think. "Could he really be a thief?"

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