"But...what if it was more?"

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Bob tried to focus on the road but Linda's snoring was beginning to be too much. "Lin." he gently whispered, "Lin." He tried again while poking her nose. All he got was a little twitch then another load snore. "Linda!" Bob bursted.

"What! What! What's happening?" Linda yelled with her arms flaring. Worried she might be being attacked or that Bob just crashed the car, she looked around and realized she was safely in the car with her laughing husband. Linda narrowed her eyes. "Oh! You just think you're so funny!"

"Well...kind of. Yeah."

Linda crossed her arms. "How much longer till we get there, funny man?"

"Uh...about three more hours."

"Really?"  Back to her usual cheerful self, Linda clapped her hands together. "Oh I can't wait, Bobby!" then more quietly added, "I better call my parents to let them know how close we are..."

Bobs eyes narrowed. "I thought you said we'd just see them once during this trip for dinner."

"We...uh...we will see them once..." Then added under her breath, "a day..."

"What was that?"

"Let's see how Louise is doing! We haven't talked to her all day! Call her now!" Bob glanced over at his wife in a way that let her know he was fully aware that she was just trying to change the subject but still pulled out his beaten-up flip phone to call their daughter.




"This is Louise. Obviously a bit busy...or sleeping so I can't answer the phone right now. Leave a message!" *beep*

"Hey Louise! It's your father! Just wanted to see how things are going! I know we should've called when we stopped at the hotel last night  or when we got up in the morning but we ended up getting up kind of late so we had to hurry, also your mother found one of those awful dinner theater places and made us stay till about two A.M. last night. So...just wanted to say I love you and hope you haven't killed anyone...especially someone named Logan...call me back when you can! Bye!" As soon as Bob hung up he heard his wife make a funny noise. "What's wrong?"

"Maybe I wanted to say 'hi!'"

Bob chuckled then handed the phone to Linda. "Call her again and see if she answers."

After three ring the call went to voicemail. "That's weird..."

"What's weird?"

"It only rung three times!"


"That's not what phones do, Bob! Not unless..."


"She's ignoring the call!"

"What? Why would she do that? It's my number not..."

Linda narrowed her eyes. "Not what? MY number?" Bob chuckled again then shrugged. "How many times did it ring for you?"


"So she's ignoring you too! I'm calling again!" This time it only rang once. "That proves it! What's she up to?"

"I don't know. I guess we could try Logan's phone." Bob took his phone back and dialed Logan's number. Another three ring till it went to voicemail. Bob tried once more then tried the house phone twice. All calls were ignored. "Maybe I should have Teddy go check on them..."

Linda thought for a moment. "Maybe we shouldn't..."

"Why not? They could be in trouble or something."


"Or what?" Bob glanced at his wife who was smiling from ear to ear. Quickly he understood and pulled the car over. "NO! NO! NOTHING IS HAPPENING BETWEEN MY LITTLE GIRL AND THAT BOY!"

"I thought you liked Logan!"

"Not enough to be okay with him being interned in Louise!"

"Oh come on, Bobby! They're adults! It's not like when they'd sneak around to make out back in high school!"

"WHAT?" Bob called Louise's phone one more time. This time there was answer.

"Hello?" Answered a male voice. "Who is this?" Then another voice in the background said, "Hey! That's not your phone! Give me it!" There was a little shuffling followed by giggling. "Don't be such a baby! It's just...oh shit! It's your dad!" Then the male voice hung up.

Bob sat staring forward for what felt like forever. "Linda...I think that was Logan...he thought it was his phone so he answered then hung up when he saw it was me...there was this noise...like sheets...I think I'm going to puke!"

"Oh relax! Even if it was then so what? Logan is a good boy and who knows? Maybe that sound was one of them moving on the couch or something. You're probably just assuming the worse."

"I know he seems like 'a nice boy,' Lin but that's still my little girl! What is they were..." Bob gaged a little.

"Bobby! It's probably nothing! They probably just fell asleep while watching a movie or something!"

Bob considered this.  "But...what if it was more?"

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