What losers.

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 The morning after the school dance was just like any other Sunday. Bob spent the last few minutes of morning prep thinking over a pun for the special of the day, and Louise gave the café a once over before the pair officially opened. The morning would stay nice and slow until, as Louise called them, the "churchies" showed up. Just as eleven thirty came around, Linda and Logan made sure every half empty bottle of ketchups and mustard was married and every napkin holder was filler.

Giggling teen girls and young women made their way in with their families. Each one giving Logan a nervous greeting. "Oh, isn't he just so dreamy." Louise dragged out her words as she cackled.

"Don't act like I'm the only one." Logan gestured to a booth of boys watching Louise. She stuck a finger in her throat to make herself gagged. "You could make their day and take their orders out yourself." Her boyfriend teased.

"Not a chance in hell." Louise pushed her dad out of the way so she could take over the grill and force him to prepare the buns. Keeping her completely out of sight until the table was emptied.


Into the early afternoon, things in the restaurant began to calm down. "Logan, I have a very serious question for you." Bob reached a hand out the kitchen window and placed it on the young man's shoulder.

He raised an eyebrow, "Yes?"

"Do you plan on leaving us any time soon? Because, seriously, sales have been way up since you started. I don't want to get too invested in you, to just you leave me." Out of the corner of Bob's eye he catch sight of his young daughter's glaring at him. "Oh, and I'm sure it would break Louise's heart."

With a light hearted laugh, Logan made eye contact with Louise before answering, "I'm not going anywhere."

Linda throw her arms around Logan's neck, "Isn't he sweet?"

Logan let out a small gasp for air causing Louise to call out, "Mom! Let him go!"

"Oh my god! I'm sorry!" Her mother said with a chuckled as she let go, "I'm just go freakin' excited! It feels like things are just going so well! I mean, our little Tiny Tina and Little Man Gene have a show coming up, Baby Tina will be here before we know it, and our little baby Louise gave us another baby!"

"Sick, Mom." Louise let out her fourth gag of the day. "You're making it sound like I birthed Logan."

"What?! I am not!"

"Eh. You kinda are." Bob antagonized his wife. Linda narrowed her eyes causing her husband to give a nervous chuckle as he held out his hands in defense. "But I get what you mean. Things are pretty great."

"Yeah. You guys seem to be doing pretty well lately. I mean, I'd say this is like a Wednesdays morning for me, but you know. It's good for you all."

Bob shot a dirty look at the man standing in the doorway. "What do you want, Jimmy?"

Arms crossed, Jimmy Pesto smiled. "Nothing. Just coming by to show my boy how it looks when a restaurant just barley keeps its neck up for air." He then placed an arm around Jimmy Jr.

"Good one Dad." He let out a halfhearted laugh, then scanned around the space for a moment. A bit disappointed when he didn't see what he was hoping for.

Louise leaned half way out the kitchen window, pushing her own dad out of the way. "Hey. Jimmy Jr. What's up with your face?"

Quickly changing his expression to match his dad's smug smile, he ask, "What do you mean?"

"I mean what's the orange stuff on your top lip? You forget to clean your face after eating some cheese puffs?"

Logan took in a few breathes to keep himself contained, "Louise," He half whispered, "I think that's a mustache..."

A huge grin appeared on her face. "No freakin way!" Louise then hopped back from the window and ran over to inspect Jimmy Jr.'s face. He covered himself and tried to hold the short girl back as she jumped at him. "Move your hand, Pesto!"

"Get off me! You're basically an adult, Louise! When are you going to start acting like one? What's wrong with you?"

"Me? What's wrong with me? Jimmy Jr., have you just not looked in the mirror?"

Jimmy moved away from the two. "Hey, Bob! Come get control of your daughter! She's bugging my kid!"

"Oh, you hush, Jimmy! You two came in here just to be rude and now you're upset that Louise is giving your boy a hard time?" She looked over to a random customer, "Can you believe this guy?" They awkwardly shook their head then tried to only look at the burger in front of them. Hoping Linda would leave them alone. She focused back to the man in front of her, "Why don't you two just leave?"

"Maybe we will! Come on Jimmy Jr." He stormed out, grabbing his son by the back of his shirt to pull him along.

Logan looked around at the Belcher family. "Okay...So what the hell was that? They just came in here to talk crap then leave? Does that happen a lot?" He waited for an answer, but no one was listening. Linda had already gone back to helping customers and both Bob and Louise were now staring out the window at the Pesto's across the street.

"Jimmy Pest. Look at him over there. He just thinks he's so great."

"Jimmy Jr. isn't any better. What was up this that fuzz on his face?"

Bob shrugged. "I think he actually thinks it's a mustache."

Both stared laughing. Louise hugged her dad, "What losers."

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