"So...look who's here!"

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Louise rubbed her eyes and groaned, "How is it already morning!" She shut off her alarm then turned to Logan. "Hey."

"What's up?" Logan slowly opened his eyes. "Do we have to get up already?"

"Yup! Come on."

He reached out to grab her arm as she tried to crawl out of bed. "No! Stay in bed!" Logan pulled her closer. "We can just stay in bed." He began closing his eyes again.

"As great as that sounds, no we can't. Time to be awake."

Logan opened his eyes again and grinned. "So...we can be awake and..."

"I think you already got enough of a work out." Louise laughed then got out of bed and began getting dressed back into her pjs so she could go to the shower without scaring Tina anymore than she already had.

Logan got out of bed and slipped back into his jeans while following Louise out the door. She turned back to look at him and saw he was shirtless. Quickly, Louise shoved him back into her room. "Really? Not going to put a shirt on?"

He looked down at his chest. "Who cares? Tina has seen me shirtless."

"At the pool! Not strolling out of her little sisters room after spending the night."

"Okay! Okay! How about I run to the bathroom?"

Just then Tina popped her head in the doorway. "Hey Louise!" She paused. "Whoa." A huge smile appeared on her face as she stared at Logan's chest which of course made Logan shine a very cocky smile.

"Ugh...what Tina?"

Ignoring her sister Tina kept her eyes on Logan. "Are you a dancer or something? You look great!" She turned to Louise. "You're lucky, huh? Dancers have great bodies."

Josh's laugh could be heard coming from the kitchen. "Thanks!" He shouted to his girlfriend.

"Tina!" Louise shouted. "What do you need?"

"Oh! Yeah! I was going to offer to get the restaurant ready to open for you two this morning to give you and Logan a break till this afternoon."

"Yeah! Defiantly do that!" Logan quickly answered then grabbed the keys for Tina. "When do you want us to come down?"

Tina thought for a moment. "Well...I guess we could just give you two the day off to spend the day together."

"Thanks but n..." Louise was cut off by an overly enthusiastic Logan.

"Yes! You're the best." He gave Tina a quick hug.

With a dazed look Tina mumbled to herself. "Wow..."

"I think that's enough for now, Tina." Josh chucked. "Lets go." He wrapped his arms around Tina's waist and guided her away.

As soon as he heard the downstairs door close, Logan started taking off his jeans. "Lets get in the shower!" He then ran into the bathroom followed by a slightly annoyed Louise.

After the shower, Louise changed into a pair of black jeans, a green shirt, then tied her hair into pigtails. "Think you'll ever grow out of that?"

"Out of what?" Louise turned to a still naked Logan sitting on her bed. "And how about getting dressed?"

"Nah. Not until we decide what we're doing today. I was asking if you'll ever grow out of wearing your hair in pigtails."

"I'm still a high schooler!"

"No you're not! Didn't you just graduate? I'm pretty sure I even sent you a card with cash in it..."

Louise closed her eyes and stuck her nose in the air. "Not out of high school until summer. It's April." Louise hated the idea of being a full adult. As much as she loves working at the restaurant, she knew she was about to lose all goofing off time soon. "Either way I look good in pigtails."

"Can't really argue with that...so what are we doing?"

"Getting dressed."


"Up to you." To this Logan smiled which made Louise regret her words.

"Still wearing your bunny ears? How old are you again?"

"Seventeen." Louise crossed her arms. "And I can dress however I want!" Logan's friends harassed and teased Louise in front of a friend's home while Logan tried playing with his old skateboard. He had never been the best at it and hadn't exactly gotten better. He looked to his "wife" and gave her a sweet smile. She was clearly doing her best to not rip his friend's apart.

"Ever not where them?" Another asked.

"The only time I go without this hat is while I'm working the grill." Louise informed the guys while touching the slightly burnt tip of her right bunny ears.

"I've got a good question!" The first boy began. "If you're only seventeen....is Logan legally allow to..." He used his fingers in place of words.

"New Jersey's age of consent is only sixteen. I'm almost eighteen so I think it's fine." Louise answered through her teeth.

"Whoa! Baby Belcher gets to make babies!"

Louise felt her face become hot with angry. "I swear to fucking god..."

James, Logan's friend who had driven him back to Louise's his first day back, made his way to Logan. "So...really married to that girl now?" He motioned to their other two friends, Kyle and Luke, and Louise.

Logan started coughing in an admit to hide his laughter. "Uh...yup!" He gave James a very unconvincing smile.

"So...no. Think you should be?"

The question made Logan freeze. "I...uh...I don't...I don't know. I mean she's still technically a teenager...maybe one day..." He looked over to Louise again, who smiled as her eyes met his. "Yeah...maybe one day." He nudged James. "If she ever lets me."

After spending time with Logan's friends then meeting Andy and Ollie to see a movie, Louise and Logan were finally heading home. It was about ten p.m. now so the restaurant had closed. Louise pulled out her spare key to make some dinner. The two made their way inside. Logan slid into a booth while Louise went to the backroom the fire up the grill. "Order up!" She shouted out once the food was ready.

Logan made his way over to grab and set them on the counter. "Coming out to eat with me?"

"Give me a minute. Gotta clean up."

"Oh...look at miss responsible!" he chuckled while heading back to get closer to her. Louise turned off the grill then began scraping it off. "Hey."

Louise looked up at Logan. "Yes?"

"What are we now?"

She laughed a little before answering. "Well after last night I'll give you one guess what I was thinking."

"Lovers." He gave her a wink.

After a quick punch in Logan's gut, Louise answered, "I wouldn't have an issue being you're girlfriend again...as long as you don't move again." She gave him kiss which soon became a bit more.


"Sorry! We're closed!" Shouted Logan from the kitchen floor.

"Logan Berry Bush! Get out here right now!"

"What the.." Louise pushed Logan off of her and began trying to fix her hair a little before putting her hat back on. Logan jumped up and peeked out of the window to the diner to see his furious mother standing in front of the counter with Luke and Christy. Mrs. Bush's eyes became wide when she saw her messy haired, shirtless son. Louise pulled him back down to smacked him up side the head. "Seriously? Do you just hate shirts, Logan?" She shoved his shirt into his arms before standing. While making her way to the diner, she fixed her bra and shirt. Logan got his shirt back on and fixed his hair a little before following.

Logan pulled on the collar of his shirt and cleared his throat. "So...look who's here!"

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