"Good one, Louise."

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Amber had taken over the Belcher living room since Louise wouldn't let her set up in her room.  "Do we really have to do all of this?" Louise moaned as she flopped onto the couch.

Amber pouted as she crossed her arms. "Don't think you'll like it even a little?"

"No!" she then looked around at the set up in front of her. Amber had an entire half of their coffee table just for Louise's olive skin tone. She had even gone out of her way to buy foundation that match her skin while they were out together the week before. Looking at all that make up, she realized this couldn't have been cheap and Amber wasn't exactly a rich kid. She would've had to have spend her own money on these things. Things she could never use on her own fair skin. "But...I guess I'll put up with it."

Letting out a squeal so high pitched it caused Louise to have to cover her ears, Amber got to work. Amber pulled Louise's hair back into a ponytail then placed a Kuchi Kopi headband to hold back any flyways. The short tempered girl did her best to bite her tongue if anything bothered her. Reminding herself of how hard Amber was trying to be a good friend to her. After some time, Amber moved on to her own face. Louise left to the restroom and was stunned by how much she liked what she saw in the mirror. The girl really knows what she's doing. Who would've guessed? Louise thought.

Eventually it was Louise's turn again. Pulling down her hair, Amber showed Louise a few idea's she had saved on her phone, but it took a bit of back and forth. "Oh, come on!" Amber dragged out her voice as she complained. "Just pick something!"

Louise darted her eyes at the ginger girl. "I don't do my hair! What do you think I wear a hat for?"

Looking through more photos, Louise kept rejecting everything. Amber gave up. "Let's just curl it, okay?" Louise shrugged, which was the most mild response she had gotten so far. Thankful to be done, Amber gave a proud smile. "You look so pretty, Louise!" Jumping up and down as she clapped, Amber got a little carried away. She ran into Louise's room to grab her dress.

"Get out of there!" Louise tried to protest, but Amber was already pulling down the hanger.

"Oh, quite being so protective! I'm not messing with anything!"

"That's not the point! I don't like people in my room!"

Ammber rolled her eyes as she left with the dress. "I'm out! I'm out!" She watched Louise shut her door. "I heard you let Elliot in there before."

A little curious, Louise asked, "What else did he say?" The lack of eye contact spoke volumes. "What else did he say?" Louise asked more sternly.

"It was a while back. Like maybe the beginning of the school year?" She tapped a freckled finger on her chin, "Or was it in the winter..."

"Who cares! Just tell me what he said!"

Amber was a little taken back by the outburst. She didn't want to mess up all the progress she had made so far with Louise. "He didn't really say much. Just that you only ever let a couple other people in there. Logan, duh, and Rudy. Kind of made it sound like something might have been going on. Did you guys like date or something?"

Louise rolled her eyes. "Maybe I should've kicked his ass..." She muttered, very annoyed. Now in a sarcastic voice, "Oh yeah! We totally did it!"

Amber narrowed her eyes. "So, nothing happened?"

"Nope! Just so you know, Andy and Ollie go in there so often that they don't even ask permission anymore so no, it's not just those guys." Louise noted how relived Amber seemed. "Would that have been a deal breaker for you?"

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