Bunny cannibals.

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"You know. That was really cute earlier." Linda scrubbed the dishes she had collected from the lunch rush in their large sink.

"What was?" Bob did his best to wipe away all the bits of dry sauce and various bits of food sticking to the prep station.

"Watching you and Louise glaring over at the Pestos. She looked like a little mini Bobby. Ha! Little Bobette." Her husband rolled his eyes. "You know what I was thinking?"


"Well, Louise's birthday's coming up, right after we've got her graduation, then there's a bit of a break before Gene and Tina's show...maybe you and I could try again for a little vacation?"

Linda tucked herself under Bob's arm. "You think so?" He asked.

"Yeah! Let the kids watch the place for an actual full week this time! Then we'll have a little brake before we have to leave again for those other kids of ours. What do you say, Bobby?"

Bob set down his rag and wrapped his free arm around his wife too, holding her to face him. "You know what, Lin? That actually sounds really nice."

"All right!" Linda shot her arms in the air, almost hitting Bob in the face. "Where should we go?" 

"I don't know. Maybe just somewhere simple. Like...a bed and breakfast in the woods? Maybe a place by a lake or something and with a fireplace? Spend the week days out on the water and every night cuddled up together by a warm fire."

"Oh, Bobby...how romantic..." Linda placed her arms around his neck and the two began kissing.

Suddenly they heard a loud gagging sound. "Sick, guys. Aren't you supposed to stop doing this kind of thing at your age? I mean, Dad's at least ninety eight. Does it even work anymore?"

"Louise, be nice. You know, one day you're going to be in your fifties." 

Louise shook her head, "Not a chance. I plan on dying by forty five."

"Why?" Bob tried asking, but Linda was already moving on.

"Your father and I were just planning out a little week long getaway."

This sparked Logan interest, "Week long? So it'll just be Louise and me for a week?"

"Yup! Oh, I'm so freakin excited now!" Linda let out a little squeal and she clasped her hands. "I'm going to start planned now!"

She hurried out of the kitchen and had almost made her way to the door when Bob blocked her path, "Whoa, whoa! You can't leave now."

"And why not?"

"Louise and Logan are about to go see his mother." Louise made a loud groan at her father's words which he tried his best to ignore, "You gotta stay to help me with dinner."

Linda waved her hand, moving past him and out the door, "Oh, that's not for a couple more hours."

"I know. I also know that as soon as you open that laptop, you'll be on there till midnight planning. We've got the day off tomorrow, why not just wait till then?"

While the couple went back and forth, Logan motioned for Louise to follow. She acted as if she couldn't hear him and was very invested in what her parents were arguing about. "Louise. Come on!" Logan whispered, pointing to the time on his phone screen. Louise looked away and continued to watch her parents. Letting out a breath, Logan simply said, "Okay. Well, you only have yourself to blame for this." He stomped over and picked Louise up, throwing her over his shoulder. Letting her kick and scream the whole way down to the small parking lot.

By the time Bob and Linda had noticed anything had happened, the couple was already more than halfway to Logan's car. "Geez. That Logan is really excited to see his mom, huh?"

Bob shook his head, "No. I don't think that's it. I think he's terrified of her and is hoping if they're on time, or better yet early, she won't eat them."

"Like that bunny at the pet shop..."

"Like what?" Bob gave his wife a startled look.

"Like the bunny at the pet shop!" She repeated. "Ate two of her babies."

Bob mouth hug open, "Are you sure it was a rabbit? Not like a snake or dog or something?"

"No! It was a fluffy white and brown bunny! Saw it with my own two eyes!"

Now both were looking down the street at the shrinking figures of their daughter and her boyfriend. "So, bunnies can eat their babies? There are murdering rabbits out there."

Linda nodded. "Guess so. Little baby killing monsters. Bunny cannibals." 

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