Happy Birthday, Louise!

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A few days passed, Tina and Gene were still trying their best to keep up with school work as they prepared for their big show. Just as they had wrapped up rehearsals, the cast was being called over to, again, try on their costumes. It made the siblings feel a bit better knowing they weren't the only ones becoming a bit panicked over every detail. Outside of the double doors and waiting in the lobby with a bags full of Nepalese food was Josh. Tina beamed seeing him there, but just as she was about to make her way to him, Gene ran passed her and nearly tackled the poor man door. "Oh, Josh! I love you! You're the bother I always wanted!"

"The kind that always brings food?" Josh laughed as he tried his best not to drop said food.

"Yes! Is there anything more I could ask for?" The three took their seats on two small sofas and set everything out on the coffee table between them. "Man, I really was starving. Wait...did we eat lunch?"

Josh looked to Tina, slightly worried, "Yes, Gene. Remember? Valentia got everyone burgers?"

Nodding his head, Gene remembered, "Right. Right. Just wasn't a very good lunch. We seriously got spoiled as kids. I don't think I've ever had a fast food burger anywhere near as good as Dad's."

"Louise is getting pretty good at making them too." Josh added. "I ate so much while we were there, I barley fit into my tights when we got back!"

The mention of Louise left the siblings feeling like they had forgotten something. They stared at each other for a awhile until it hit them both at once, "It's Louise's birthday!" Gene pulled out his phone and tried to dial their baby sister's number as fast has he could. As it rang, the three agreed that they'd start singing the moment she answered.

They got themselves ready and then...a scream came from the other end and the phone hung up. Gene looked back to his big sister. "Should...should we be worried?"

Earlier That Morning

Louise woke to find herself alone in her room. Rolling out of bed, she then gathered her things to shower. She sleepily stood in the shower and tried not to let the hot water put her back to sleep. Just as she reached to turn off the faucet, the door was thrown open. "Happy Birthday my baby!" Linda shouted, almost causing Louise to slip.

"Jesus, Mom! You almost gave me a heart attack!" Louise reached over for her towel and dried off. Wrapping it around herself before stepping out to accept her mother's hug, which felt more like a headlock. "Okay! Okay! Let go! I gotta get dressed!"

Linda did as she was told. "Sorry, sorry! I'm just getting a little carried away." The moment Louise stepped back out into the hall, Linda was on her again. "Oh! My little Louise is growing up so fast! I can't believe you're already eighteen! It feels like just yesterday you were riding your big wheel to the wharf. Now look at you...you've grown into a little woman." Linda began kissing all over her daughter's face. "I'm so freakin proud of you, Louise!"

Bob chuckled as the two entered the kitchen. "Happy Birthday Louise." He set down a large oval plate with three pancakes lined up, saying just that. Her face light up at the assortment of toppings sitting in front of her. Covering the pancakes with berries, whip cream, and loads of maple syrup.

Looking around, Louise noticed someone was still missing. "Where's," she took another large bite and chewed it up before continuing, "Logan?"

"He said he had to run to the store really fast to get something and for you to meet him down in the restaurant before heading off to school." Bob collected her plate as Louise finished. He then rapped an arm around his daughter, placing a kiss in the top of her head before letting her go.

Just as she made her way outside, Louise caught Logan with arms full of balloon and a box. "Whatcha got there?"

"Nothing you need to worry about." Logan set the box down, swatting at Louise's hand as she tried to reach for it. "Not yet." Letting out a groan, Louise plopped onto a stool. She watched as Logan tied balloons around the restaurant.

Louise began swinging her legs. "So...gonna say anything to me?"

"What's there to say?" Narrowing her eyes, Louise reached over the counter to grab a pen. She looked right into Logan's eyes as she popped a balloon. "Whoa! What are you doing?" Logan ran over and tried to get the pen back, but Louise climbed onto the counter and slid over to the other side. She then ran to another balloon tied to the opposite end. Trying to stop her, Logan jumped with his stomach slamming onto the counter. He then reached an arm out and grabbed her wrist, snatching the pen away.

Louise laughed as she tried to get it back, "Come on! Just let me pop a few more!"

"Later!" Logan laughed along with her, "Don't you need to be at school?" Moaning, Louise went back around the counter and throw on her backpack. She reached for the door, but Logan reached over her to shut it again. Leaning down, he gave her a peck, "Happy Birthday."

Louise smiled, "Thank you." She then gave Logan a smack on his already soar stomach.

During school, Louise made no attempt to focus. Shooting paper footballs back and forth with Amber.

You should've gone out with us Saturday.


Why not?

Just couldn't.

Louis glanced over, seeing the redheaded girl avoiding eye contact. She flung another note.

You okay?

She watched as Amber let out a small sigh.

I'm fine.

Liars go to hell.

"Is something funny, Ms. Cortez?" Amber shook her head, placing her hands together on her desk, covering the note. The moment their teacher looked away, she wrote back.

You're going to get me in trouble.

Oh no! God forbid Ms. Cortez gets in trouble!

Amber giggled again, causing their teacher to come to her desk. He held out a hand and she set the note in it. Giving it a once over, he crumped the paper up. "While I am sure that whatever Ms. Belcher did this weekend would have been so much fun, it's time to focus. Finals are tomorrow kids! This is your last chance to look over your textbooks, ask questions, anything to help make sure you actually make it to graduation. Especially for those who could end up seeing me during the summer if they fail." He made direct eye contact with Louise.

Once class finally ended, Louise ran to catch up with Amber on her way to the cafeteria. "Hey! Wait up!" She grabbed hold of her friends shoulder. "Gonna tell me what's wrong now?"

"Louise, I promise it's nothing."

Louise nodded, "Right. Sure. Your face just always looks like that."

Sitting down with their trays, Amber let out a sigh, "Just let it go, Louise. I promise if it becomes a bigger deal, then I'll tell you." Louise reluctantly dropped the subject. As they ate, Amber made a face then smacked her friend's arm. "Louise! How could you let me go this long without reminding me what day it is!" She then wrapped her arms around the black haired girl. "Happy Birthday, Louise!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2023 ⏰

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