"Surprise me."

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Logan felt his heart pounding in his ears. "I love Logan!" He had heard Louise shout from just outside of Elliot's house. He sat down on the bottom step of the stoop and looked over at a confused Bob waiting in his car. He listened a little long for things to settle down then made his way back to the car.

"What happened?"

"I think we should wait here."

He wanted to ask again but trusted Logan's judgment.

After a few minutes an emotionally exhausted Louise came out of Elliot's house. She looked surprised to see her father's car with both him and Logan waiting for her. She made her way to the backseat and slid inside.

"So...how did it go?" Bob carefully asked.

"I'd say we wait about five minutes before calling for an ambulance."

"Ha. Ha. Very funny, Louise. Now seriously, are you okay?"

Louise looked at Logan, who gave her a kind smile from the passenger seat. "Yup! Never been better."

Finally, back at the restaurant, everyone pitched in the close things up for the night. "Thank god the day is finally over!" Louise groaned. "I need food and sleep. Especially sleep. At least 12, no! 20 hours of sleep!"

Bob laughed at his dramatic daughter. "Too bad tomorrow is a school day."

Louise froze right before reaching the front door. "What did you say?"

"School. Tomorrow you have school. Remember? That place you still have to go to till May?"

"No!" She throw her hands in the air. "Why must you send me to that hell hole!" She shouted causing her father to laugh again.

"Oh, come on Louise. It won't be that awful." Her mother tried to reassure her. "Besides! You made up with your buddy, right?"

Louise simply rolled her eyes and left to head inside of their home.

"How did that go?" Tina asked turning to Bob and Logan, now realizing no one had actually said anything about what had happened when they caught up with Louise. "I mean, you all seemed fine when you got back and I didn't hear sirens..."

"Well, she just came out and said it was all okay." Bob shrugged.

Linda looked at him dissatisfied. "Wait...neither of you two talked to her about it? Or went in to make sure the boy was still alive?"

Bob pointed to Logan. "He went up to the door but didn't go in!"

"They were having an intense conversation!" He responded.

"What were they saying?" Linda asked while placing a hand on the counter and tilting her head.

I love Logan! He heard again in his head causing Logan to turn bright red and look at the ground. "They just worked it out and now everything is fine so I'm going to go inside and help set up dinner because Louise said she's starving so I will help her!" Out of breath he hurried out the door leaving Bob, Linda, and Josh looking confused.

"I bet I was right." Tina said to herself with a pleased smile.

Walking up the stairs Logan kept playing Louise's words in her head. I love Logan! Why did it shock him so much to hear her say it? It's not like he had never heard it before...right? Logan paused then realized he hadn't. Louise had never said it to him. Not even before.

He continued up the last couple of steps but stopped at the top when he saw Louise making her way out of her bedroom. She had changed out of her green shirt and jean, into a pair of pink pajamas. He felt himself turn pink again.

"Hey! Gonna cook for your old lady?" Louise teased with a grin.

Logan smiled back. "What do you want as your last meal before you have to go back to jail?"

"Surprise me."

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