Don't you think?

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"I don't know what to think of you." Elliot said as he stared at Logan.

"What do you mean?" He finished off his beer, then opened another. "You starting to have a little crush on me? Because if that's the case, sorry to disappoint, but I'm straight..." Logan thought back to someone he met for a short time in college. "I'm mostly straight."

"No. I don't 'have a little crush.' It just bothers me how much you seem to hate me. I never actually did anything to Louise. Never laid a single hand on her. Even when I really wanted to. There were plenty of moments I look back on and think that I could've, but didn't."

Logan chuckled, "Because she would've slapped the shit out of you."

Elliot slumped back in his seat. He couldn't get over these guys, Logan and Rudy. He couldn't understand what Louise saw in these guys that she didn't see in him.

One Year Ago

"I don't know about this Louise..." Rudy, always the worrier, confessed over the Kuchi Kopi walkie-talkie. He sat halfway out his window. Down in the alleyway behind his house; he could see his short friend in a green t-shirt dress. "Kinda seems like a bad idea."

Louise rolled her eyes as she looked back up at her friend. "Oh, come on! Take a puff of that inhaler and just throw your other leg out."

Closing his eyes, the redheaded boy did as he was told. Not opening them again until he was at the bottom of the rope ladder and his feet touched the ground. "I did it!" He shouted.

Throwing her hand over his mouth, Louise laughed, "You did good kid." The two then took off. They didn't stop running until they reached the abounded house four blocks away that was full of teens and college kids. Spotting Andy and Ollie, Louise waved over at her friends.  "Okay. So do we remember the plan if the cops show up again?"

Eyeing his bunny eared friend, Rudy asked, "Again?" She hushed him so she could hear the twins answers.

"Run!" Andy cheerfully answers.

" where?"

Ollie, seeing it was his turn, answered, "To Teddy's!"

Louise nodded. "And do we ring the doorbell or knock on the door?" Andy almost nodded, but watched his brother and changed his answer. All three boys shook their heads. "That's right. We jump the fence, then hide in the shed until things die down."

Rudy stuck close by Louise, being nervous about his first time sneaking out. The two made their way around the house, socializing with a few people here and there. "What are you doing here?" Louise heard a familiar voice.

She turned to face the dark skinned young man, taking a drag. "Share." Louise commanded, with her hand stretched out. James shook his head. "Oh, come on! I bet you'd let me have one if Logan was here."

James rolled his eyes. Before Logan had moved away, every time they all hung out, either James, Kyle, or Luke would always give in when Louise stuck out her little hand. He dug into his pocket and pulled out a cigarette box then handed her a joint. "Happy?"

"Yes." Her bright smile reminded him of Logan. Making James miss his friend.

Before Louise walked off, James motioned for her to come close. "Have you ever meet Quinn?" She shook her head. He placed a hand on the back of her head and brought her ear close to his mouth as he whispered. "If you see a white dude with curly black hair in his face, glasses, and seems like an arrogant douche, do NOT take anything he tries to give you. Okay? Not a single thing."

Louise pulled back, smiling at the dark eyed boy. "Aww. Someone cares about me."

"Shut up." James took another drag. "It's just because your my buddy's girl."

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