In the mother's knickers while on a walk

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Backstory of character
Name of person giving birth: Ellie
Age: 23
Pregnant with: One baby
Relationship status: Girlfriend of Hugh Cooke
Species: Human
Story: Ellie and Hugh always wanted to welcome a baby into their lives. They tried for a baby and succeeded but then Hugh's Job asked the couple to move to the countryside and they moved to the countryside where there were no hospitals for miles. As Ellie got further along in her pregnancy she would go for walks with Hugh when he wasn't working in the local countryside canal. She loved it there because no one knew about the canal as it turned into the lake that was in the urban area It was a  private space for Ellie and Hugh.

Birth story
It was another quiet day in the countryside for Ellie she got up that morning and made herself breakfast. She was due today but Hugh had been forced to work that day leaving very early. The house was 8 miles away from the closest hospital but Ellie never learned how to drive and Hugh did all the driving. Ellie and Hugh hadn't planned to give birth in the hospital any way they had planned a quiet home birth. Ellie decided after breakfast she was going to get dressed and she did it was the start of summer and very hot so Ellie wore a red dress with sandals. As she put the dress on over her bump she felt a pain in her stomach but brushed it off as a heavy kick from her baby. She brushed her hair and grabbed her bag and left the house with her keys and her phone and started walking along the narrow path outside her house. 10 minutes later She got to the footpath that led to the canal and stepped onto the dirt footpath then as she walked along the footpath she felt another pain and this time she knew it was a contraction 'its fine there far apart' she thought to herself after 30 minutes though she reached the canal it was beautiful she sighed deeply and sat down on her picnic blanket she had taken. She stayed in that spot for 2 hours but her contractions were getting faster and when they were about ten minutes apart Ellie picked the blanket up and walked the 10 minutes to the footpath as another contraction hit her though "Argh you're not coming wait until I'm home" Ellie said and then she realised she forgot her picnic basket and has to walk back but 5 minutes into her walk back another Contraction hit her 'Damn it there getting closer ' Ellie thought as five minutes later she reached the forgotten picnic basket and had another contraction "Wait baby let me get home please it's only  40 minutes" Ellie said  breathing through the contraction and then she picked up the picnic basket and walked back to the footpath she was still wearing her knickers and suddenly about 5 minutes into walking on the footpath she felt a pop and her nickers getting absolutely soaked wet in amniotic fluid "My water broke that's great baby just hold on 25 minutes" Ellie said but she knew she couldn't keep walking in wet knickers but now she had to then Ellie's contractions were closer together about 3 and half minutes apart 'Shit I've not even Walked 5 minutes' Ellie said stopping and breathing through the contraction. Ellie continued walking but 3 and a half minutes later stopped because of another contraction she had walked around 12 minutes and her pace had slowed down a lot because she kept having to stop. Then 2 minutes later another contraction she kept walking though despite her contractions now being on top of each other she stopped walking and decided to stop and finger her vagina where her baby's head was already crowning 'No you're not crowning baby no you're not coming on the footpath on the way home' Ellie said as she kept walking until she was 10 minutes from home and then she felt the urge to push and so while still walking Ellie pushed and the tip of her babies head came out then she felt the ring of fire as she pushed again and the rest of her babies head came out into her knickers she could feel the babies head in her knickers but kept walking until she eventually reached the end of the footpath but at that point, both shoulders were out. She held the growing bulge in her knickers and ran home and managed to get in then Ellie collapsed onto the hallway floor pulling Her knickers down and pushing one last time she grabbed the string and scissors and she cut the cord. Then after work, Hugh walked in and saw Ellie holding their baby boy in her arms she explained her crazy birth story that she had given birth to most of him in her knickers while on her walk back from the canal and Hugh berated her for not stopping and pulling her knickers down. Hugh was glad though that the legs of their son were born at home. He hugged his son tight. Ellie and Hugh named their son Eli because that had been Hugh's late great-grandfather's name and it was also the name of the local canal the Eli Canal. The end.

Eli Cooke- weighing 6 pounds 8 ounces

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