During a Concert

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Name: Nora McVey
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Pregnant with: One baby (Doesn't know she's pregnant)
Relationship status: Girlfriend Of Martin Cullen
Story: Nora and Martin were avid Taylor Swift fans who loved every song of her's and they buy tickets to one of her concerts and they can't believe they are going to see their favourite singer on tour. However, they are both unaware that Nora is pregnant because Nora had no symptoms when Nora devolved a belly she just thought she had gained a lot of weight. They arrive at the concert ready to sing along to Taylor.

Nora wore a Bejeweled corset and skirt which covered her unusually large belly but Nora just thought she had gained weight

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Nora wore a Bejeweled corset and skirt which covered her unusually large belly but Nora just thought she had gained weight. Her boyfriend Martin was wearing a Bejeweled top and pants and he was stood next to her. They smiled at eachother as the lights dimmed Nora felt a pain in her abonormally large belly and she breathed hoping to soothe the pain. Then Taylor Swift made her grand entrance and everyone screamed including Nora and Martin. They had the best view of her as well as they were sat pretty close to the stage and everyone cheered for Taylor.

20 minutes later another pain hit Nora during Bejeweled coincidentally and Nora screamed and Martin just thought she was excited to see her favourite female singer in action. Everyone sang along and started cheering along. Taylor was speechless as the crowd cheered for 20 minutes and Nora felt another pain she just thought her period was coming and so she let the pain takeover her. Oh how wrong she was. Nora drank some lemonade as she started sweating. 20 minutes later another pain hit Nora and she took another sip of lemonade. Martin looked at Nora and held her hand.

"Are you okay baby?" Martin asked getting ready to do something and Nora said "Yeah I'm fine" Suddenly during love Story Martin got down on one knee and it was coincidentally during the bit which Taylor sang "He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said marry me" and Nora was surprised and the entire crowd looked at her and Taylor looked at her too. Nora said "Yes" and Martin slipped the ring on Nora's finger and said "She said yes" and Taylor said "Isn't that beautiful?" and the crowd cheered as Nora and Martin kissed passionately.

15 minutes later another pain hit Nora and she winced in pain but let it get her she knew her period was coming or that's what she thought. Nora had never felt so much pain from her period but she thought this period was going to be bad. Taylor kept going and everyone sang along and was on their feet. Everyone was enjoying the concert especially because it was happening for another 7 hours. 15 minutes later another pain gripped Nora and she sat down from the pain and Martin looking concerned said "Are you sure you are okay, Nora?"

"Bad period cramps, Martin" Nora said grimacing and Martin said "It's okay baby during the interval I'll get you some medication" and Nora smiled as the pain died down and she stood up again and starting singing blank space. Her favourite song was Trouble because it reminded her of her ex Callum and how he was trouble. She disliked looking back on her relationship with Callum which is why she was glad to have Martin who was a angel. When they met, they knew straight away that they were soulmates and both realised they were destined to be together forever.

15 minutes later another pain rocked Nora and she sat again feeling her worsening period cramps wrap around her. Martin got his new fiancée a bottle of water and she drank some but not all. 10 minutes later another pain hit Nora sending her back to her seat and Nora felt her unusually large belly tighten. Nora screamed and again Martin thought she was excited. He and Nora had planned to come to this concert for 8 month's and they counted the day's every single day but it seemed as if Nora's unexplainable pains were making it hard  to enjoy.

10 minutes later another pain hit Nora and she clutched her unusually large belly and felt it tighten as the pain hit her. Nora wondered if her period was causing her this much pain but she knew she was due on soon. Nora had her period every month for the last eight months and her and Matin had sex once but that resulted in a negative test. Nora stayed stood up this time and 10 minutes later another pain hit Nora and she moaned "OOH" to try to calm her painful period cramps down but if only she really knew.

5 minutes later another pain hit Nora and she screamrd "OOHHHH" and Taylor stopped as she heard the scream Nora was still on her feet and Martin said "Sit down if you are in pain my love" but then Taylor started singing Trouble so Nora stayed on her feet and sang along with Taylor and 5 minutes later another pain wrapped around her abodemen and Nora screamed "OOOHHHH" and Taylor looked concerned then it was the 10 minute interval. Martin went and grabbed Nora pain medication and brought it back but Nora refused as she felt another really immense pain.

3 and a half minutes later another pain wrapped around Nora's abodemen and Martin tried to get Nora to take the medication but she refused. Taylor came back and started singing again. 3 and a half minutes later another pain wrapped around Nora's abodemen and she screamed "OHH ARGHH" and she said "Fuck these pains are bad". Nora was still stood up and 2 minutes later another pain wrapped around Nora's abodemen and Nora said "Fuck I feel like I'm dying" and 2 minutes later another pain hit Nora and pressure built up. Nora screamed "OOOHH ARGHH FUCKKKKK ARGHHH OOH".

Nora felt another pain and could feel something sliding down into her birth canal.  Nora felt another pain and the pressure built and built. Suddenly Nora felt something gushing down her legs and she realised that she was in labour. Martin saw the amniotic fluid on the floor and looked at Nora and realised that she was in labour. Nora felt another contraction wrap around her and she screamed "ARGHHHHH OOH EEE" and Nora tried staying stood but she couldn't and she sat in her chair her legs spread in the birthing position. Nora took her skirt and knickers off.

Nora felt an immense urge to push and so she did and she felt her babies head crowning and her fiancé confirmed "That's it you're crowning" and Taylor suddenly stopped realising Nora was in labour and she rushed up to Nora and said "Hey Nora, You got this grab my hand" and She grabbed her idols hand and gave an almighty push and the head came fully on and Martin looked at the head and Nora Pushed gripping Taylor's hand tightly and the shoulders slipped out and then the rest of the baby. The baby let out a cry hungry.

Nora held her baby close and fed her and Martin looked in awe at his baby. They confirmed soon it was a little girl and Taylor looked at her and Nora said "Thank you Taylor" and Taylor said "I look like I have a new swiftie joining me" and she walked back onto stage. Nora and Martin held their daughter closely and they both said in unison "Let's name her Juliet" and they looked into their daughters beautiful blue eyes and she wrapped her little finger around her mother's big finger and they smiled at their daughter feeling like family.

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