During math class

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Name of person giving birth: Nora Littleton
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Pregnant with: 1 baby
Relationship status:Single
Story: Nora fell in love with her Math teacher Jack Keane, despite him being married to a beautiful wife. Nora and Jack's relationship blossomed however which means Jack has an affair with Nora and they end up in bed with each other. They realise they can't keep sneaking around for long as they are bound to get caught soon.  They get caught by Jack's wife Samantha just as Nora finds out she's pregnant with his baby. Samantha decides to divorce Jack.
Finding out she's pregnant
8 month 1 week ago

'Positive' the test reads Nora looked at it again and started sobbing this wasn't meant to happen to her. She wasn't meant to be a teen mum yet here she was pregnant at 16. Nora walked out of the school bathroom and headed back to math class where Mr Keane was teaching algebra. She had been out of the classroom a good ten minutes at least and it was her last lesson on a Thursday. At the end of the lesson Mr. Keane let everyone go but her and then he looked at her and sighed.

"What took you so long in the bathroom, Nora?" and she shakily replied "I was doing a test, I'm pregnant..." and at that minute Jack wrapped his arms around her and they shared a passionate kiss but suddenly they heard someone scream "OMG!" and she saw Jack's wife Samantha staring at them and suddenly they pulled away "This isn't happening, is it Jack?" and he replied "It is, I'm sorry" and she started sobbing "How could you!" and Jack just shrugged. "Consider yourself divorced, goodbye Jack" Samantha said dropping her wedding ring into his palm.
Birth story
8 month 1 week later

'One more week until she gave birth' Nora thought to herself as she arrived for her last day of school before maternity leave. It was a beautiful November morning and the few leaves left rustled on the tree. Autumn had changed the colours of the leaves from vibrant shades of emerald to an amazing brick red colour. Nova was in her last year of school and she felt proud apart from an obvious baby bump. No one knew that the baby was Mr Keane's all they knew is his wife had divorced him.

Nora's day though wouldn't be the same as any normal day though. As she walked into the form room the everyday whispers about her pregnancy started again but she had ignored them. Nora sat down but as she did so she had a contraction. Nora started thinking to herself 'I'm not having this baby here' 20 minutes later form ended and another contraction hit Nora as she waddled up to geography and she took a deep breath and walked into the classroom. But 20 minutes later as her geography teacher was talking about Lagos another contraction hit her. She breathed.

Her geography teacher noticed this and walked over to Nora but she said "These are just Braxton Hicks contractions" and the geography teacher thought it was a good enough excuse. But then the contractions got closer as 15 minutes later another painful contraction gripped her but she bit her lip to stop her screaming. Nora was only 16 but she was about to have her baby. 15 minutes later yet another contraction rocked Nova to the core and it was 10 minutes until the end of geography. Then 10 minutes later she left the classroom and waddled to the bathroom.

She entered the bathroom and about 5 minutes later another contraction hit her as she almost screamed from the pain. 10 minutes later it was time for English but as she walked to English she bumped into Jack but she had no time to talk with him and she entered English and sat down 5 minutes later another contraction hit her. 1 hour later English was over and the 4th contraction of the lesson hit her. She made her way to french slowly. Just 10 minutes after her last one another Contraction hit her like a kickboxer in her stomach.

An hour and 5 minutes later after 6 very painful contractions during lesson she was ready for lunch. She ate and 10 minutes after her last one a contraction hit her she knew now these were not Braxton Hicks contractions. She left after eating and 10 minutes before food tech begun she experienced another contraction. As she arrived and sat down she felt another contraction and bit her lip so she wouldn't scream 30 minutes later 3 painful contractions had hit her and she winced in pain as the 3rd one did. 5 minutes later another contraction hit her hard.

5 painful contractions later it was time for another break but she made her way up to maths and went into the bathroom. Suddenly she saw her mucus plug in her panties. 3 and half minutes after her last one another contraction hit her. She knew her mum was coming to pick up so she could tell her mum to rush her to the hospital but there was one more obstacle stood in her way 5th period math. She walked into class and another contraction hit her luckily she sat on her own desk so no one would know anything.

The pain was unbearable and 3 and half minutes into the lesson another contraction hit her. It made Mr Keane stop as she winced in pain but she put her thumb up to tell him to continue teaching. Suddenly though 2 minutes later another contraction hit her and she felt immense pleasure down there but she kept her legs crossed. 2 minutes later another contraction hit her and for the first time she screamed "ARGHH" and everyone stopped and looked at her but she said "Just the baby kicking me really hard" and everyone looked at each other and whispered.

2 minutes later another contraction hit her and despite having another 51 minutes and 30 seconds left of the lesson she felt like her baby was going to come. More pressure built as 2 minutes later another contraction hit her making her scream again "ARGHHH" and she just clutched her belly under the table. She kept her legs crossed despite the urge to open them and push but then something happened. 2 minutes later another contraction hit her and suddenly she heard a pop and felt her fluids gush down her legs and onto the floor and she looked embarrassed.

"Oh the baby made me pee, that's a bit embarrassing" and suddenly she felt the pressure building up as she felt the baby sliding into her birth canal. Nora was wearing a skirt without tights since they didn't fit her and she wanted to take her skirt off so she could check where the baby's head was but suddenly she felt a burning sensation and something at her  entrance and suddenly she opened her legs and said "I'm just gonna sit like this for a while" but now I was surely making my class suspicious that I was in labour.

Suddenly Nora felt an undeniable urge to push so she bit her lip and tried holding back but then something crowned at her entrance. She knew it was the head of the baby her strong contractions coming on top of each other were helping her. She stripped her panties off to rest on her knees as the head started half crowning more suddenly the person in front of her turned around and said "Sir, the baby's coming out of Nora!" And everyone looked astounded by what she had just said and everyone glared at Nora who was about to deliver.

Suddenly she felt the head fully crowning and Mr Keane focused everyone's attention back on him but then I had to push. So I decided to push and felt the head come out and then the shoulders came out left then right and she delivered her baby safely into the world the babies cries pierced the room and everyone started clapping. I brought the baby up and Mr Keane ran over to me and said "Are you both okay?" And I nodded my head. I looked at the baby's private part and I whispered to him "It is a boy".

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