Boat Birth

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Pregnant with:3 babies
Relationship status: Married
Species: Human
Story: Sophia and her husband Noah had been trying for a child for 9 years and they've never been able to conceive but after a successful round of IVF they finally get their dream of being able to have a child. However, at the first ultrasound, they see not one not two but 3 babies. They book a boat trip but they book it for a month before Sophia gives birth to the triplets. It's the 4th day of the boat trip and Sophia starts experiencing contractions.
Birth story
Sophia smiled at her husband who was messing around in the pool while Sophia sat on the sunbed suddenly a contraction hit her and she clutched her stomach, luckily it was a private boat trip so no one was staring at her but Noah saw her clutching her stomach and he ran out of the pool and over to Sophia who was in pain and he saw that and he said "The babies are coming aren't they?" and Sophia nodded her head and Noah immediately ran up to the captain's deck and asked the captain when they were docking.

The captain replied "In about 12 hours is something wrong Mr. Isaacs?" and he replied "Well my children are coming" The captain pulled a shocked face and said "She isn't due for another month!" and Noah replied " I know" and then he ran back to Sophia who was having a contraction and she screamed "Argh" and Noah grabbed her hand and Sophia looked at him "WHOSE FUCKING IDEA WAS THIS?"
She yelled and Noah replied "Ours Soph" Sophia smiled as she got a break from her contractions but then 15 minutes later another contraction hit her hard.

She grabbed Noah's hand and breathed through the contraction she looked at Noah and said "Can you believe our triplets are coming" Noah replied "I can. It's a new chapter for us" Sophia smiled at Noah and then when she stopped having her contraction she asked Noah to walk her to the room. Noah walked with Sophia back to the room and Soph went and lay on the bed Noah grabbed a towel and put it under Sophia's legs and then 10 minutes later Sophia felt another contraction and she said "Can you squeeze my hand, Hun!"

Noah went and sat next to Sophia and squeezed her hand gently as she breathed through the contraction and he looked at her "Oh Soph I can't wait to meet our babies" Sophia looked at him and said "Me neither Noah" and then 10 minutes later another Contraction hit Sophia and she looked at Noah and asked "Can we go for a walk?" and Noah replied, "Of course where to". Sophia smiled and said "To the bow of the ship" Noah grabbed her hand and took her to the back of the ship and Noah looked at Sophie.

Then 10 minutes later another contraction hit Sophia and she grabbed Noah's hand and asked "Can you take me back to our room?" And Noah guided her back to the room and she laid back down on the bed then after 10 minutes another contraction hit Sophia and she breathed through the contraction and she looked at Noah. Sophia smiled at him and Noah got behind her and rubbed her back for 5 minutes. Then Sophia felt another contraction and she clutched her stomach tightly and breathed through her contraction and Noah got from behind her back.

5 minutes later another contraction hit Sophia and she knew she was getting close to meeting her 3 babies she smiled at Noah and she breathed through another contraction and then another 5 minutes passed and another contraction hit her like a truck. She screamed "Argh" and groaned in pain. As Sophia's Contraction stopped she decided to strip her bikini bottoms off revealing her vagina and then 3 and a half minutes later another contraction hit her and she breathed through it. Noah went to Sophia's entrance to see if any of the triplet's heads were sticking out of his wife.

But no but he stayed there 3 and a half minutes later another contraction hit Sophia and she moaned in pain and she screamed "ARGH" Noah looked but still saw nothing then suddenly Sophia's waters broke and Noah got up from near her entrance and said "Soph, you water have broken" and Sophia looked at him and said "I felt them going" and then 2 minutes later another contraction hit her and she screamed "ARGH" in pain and she knew it wouldn't be long until she was pushing 3 tiny human beings out of her. She couldn't wait.

Her contractions were on top of each other and suddenly Sophia felt an almighty pressure at her entrance she said "Okay baby one is coming!" then she took a deep breath and then bared down and pushed her baby out and Noah saw the head coming out and smiled at her and then Sophia pushed again and her babies shoulder came out of her and then the other shoulder came through then the rest of the body. Noah cleaned the baby up but Sophia's 2nd baby was ready to come so Sophia took a deep breath and sighed.

Then she put her hand near her entrance and pushed her baby's head out then Noah came into the room and saw the 2nd babies head and he put the other baby down and caught the baby number 2's head and she pushed again and the shoulders came out followed by the legs and Noah cleaned baby 2 up and put baby 2 next to baby 1 suddenly Sophia needed to get baby 3 out so she pushed hard and the head came out followed by the body than the legs and Sophia finally breathed a sigh of relief.
After birth

After the triplet's birth, Noah cleaned baby 3 up and then Sophia had skin-to-skin contact with her triplets then she gave birth to her placenta and it was safe. When Noah and Sophia checked the baby's genitals they looked at each other and smiled "I have a boy here" Sophia said and Noah replied "I have a girl here" Then they both looked at baby 3 and said In unison "We have a boy here". They named the girl Poppy. They named one of the boys Ryan and the other boy Arlo. All healthy.
Birth certificates

Poppy Martin was born 6/8/23 (for America 8/6/23) weighing 6 pounds 4 ounces.

Ryan Martin was born 6/8/23 (for America 8/6/23) weighing 6 pounds 6 ounces.

Arlo Martin was born 6/8/23 (for America 8/6/23) weighing 6 pounds 6 ounces.
Thank you to sophiathefirstpssz for suggesting!

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