In the lake + Lakeside

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Name: Junie
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Relationship status: Married to Tyler
Pregnant with: 6 babies
Story: Junie was a shy timid girl who kept herself to herself until she met Tyler he opened her up and soon at 20 they were married they always wanted more than to be married they tried to convince children naturally and 6 years later finally got rewarded when Junie got pregnant but the soon to be parents got the biggest fright of their life when they found out that there was not one not two but 6 babies in Junie a shock!
Birth story

Junie was the awake that morning first which was an achievement being a month and half from giving birth to her babies. She got up and immediately felt tightening in her back she put her hands on her back and straightened herself out. She rubbed her amazingly large belly. She was so big that she had to wear men's clothing throughout the pregnancy. Tyler woke up soon and kissed Junie on the head and Junie made breakfast she looked out of the window at the clear blue lake she owned because she owned an entire lakeside cabin. She felt rich.

Her career was successful and sometimes she was glad she had these moments away from the spotlight to be surrounded by nature. Tyler was in his swim trunks and he kissed her. Today was the day they went swimming in our lake. Junie was still in her pajamas but she was gonna put her swimwear on soon when suddenly she felt a contraction. Maybe it was a Braxton Hick contraction because she was only 7 and a half months pregnant. She walked upstairs and got out her pajamas, bra and knickers then she got in a bikini top and knickers.

Then she walked downstairs when she felt another contraction she again brushed it off as a Braxton Hick. She started making pinic food and 20 minutes later another contraction hit her making her clutch her belly but she brushed it off as a Braxton Hick. She brought the picnic out and put it on the table near the deck chair. Tyler was already swimming about in the water. 15 minutes later another contraction hit her and she said "Oh no, not now babies" to herself. Soon it was time for that delicious food and Tyler came out of the water.

He ate the food and chilled on his lounger. 15 minutes after her last one another contraction washed over Junie and she winced in pain and Tyler asked "Are you okay?" and Junie replied "In fine the babies are just kicking really hard". In reality she was in labour. At about 1 pm Tyler went back on the water and Junie had another contraction. "Please babies you can't come"  Junie said to herself and she took a deep breath. She sat on the little bit of sand surrounding the lake and smiled at Tyler then she took her dress off.

She was in her bikini and it revealed her massive bump. 15 minutes later another contraction hit Junie as she waded into the water and she clutched her belly and Tyler swum over "Junie are you sure you are okay?" He asked. "I'm fine the babies are all kicking so hard" Junie replied. Tyler went back into the water and Junie waded further in age stopped when her feet couldn't touch the floor anymore. Then she started swimming it was good excercise for her especially to help progress labour. 10 minutes after her last one another contraction hit Junie hard.

She bit her lip making it bleed and the contraction was killing her until it passed she kept swimming and her and Tyler were swimming together for a while. They kissed just as another contraction hit Junie exactly 10 minutes after her last one she decided to kiss Tyler throughout the contraction. They stopped kissing. Junie got out of the water soon and went back to shore she was wet through in lake water. She dried off in the sun. 10 minutes after her last one another contraction hit her and she tilted her head back and low moaned "Mmmm".

She got up and went to her deckchair. She sat on the deckchair and 5 minutes after her last one another contraction hit her and she moaned "Mmm" as low as she could. She went into the cabin grabbed scissors and strelised them. 5 minutes after her last contraction another one hit her and she moaned "Mmm". She clutched her belly. She went back out and put the scissors on the table. 3 and a half minutes after her last one another contraction hit Junie hard and she clutched her belly feeling so much pain. She hated this unbearable pain.

She got up off her deck chair and started walking towards the lake. 3 and half minutes later another contraction hit her so she decided to check her dilation she had trained to be a midwife but ended up becoming a famous singer. She stuck two fingers up her vagina and felt her vaginal lips at about 8cm open she muttered to herself "8 centimetres" and took her fingers out. 3 and a half minutes after her last contraction another one hit her and she almost fell onto the grass at the lakeside with the unbearable pain she was in.

She managed to stay stood trying not to alert Tyler to her condition. She stayed there as 3 and half minutes after that Contraction another one hit her and she screamed "Nghhhh" with the amount of pain she was in. She started walking but 2 minutes after her last one another contraction hit her hard and she screamed "NGHHHH" again. Tyler was on the other side of the lake by now so could not hear her. 2 minutes after her last one another contraction hit her and she screamed "NGHHHH" in pain. Suddenly, she felt something bulging out of her.

She felt her waters ballooning into her bikini that meant her babies were coming. 2 minutes after her last contraction another painful contraction gripped her and suddenly she felt something pop then her waters gushed down her leg. They wet her bikini bottoms she took them off and she managed to get into the water then she felt something pushing against her cervix. She fingered herself again and she said "10 centimetres next Contraction push" She muttered to herself as she sat in the lake and then she felt a contraction and she pushed hard screaming "NGHHHH" as she did.

She felt her babies head coming out of her because her vaginal lips were now spread around a head. She felt some burning and she panted "Hee hoo hee hoo ha" as the head formed a tear drop shape then she gave a gigantic push screaming "NGHHHHH" and the head popped free she saw the head under the water. She gave a big push and the left shoulder popped free followed by the right then the torso. She brought her baby up from under the water. Then the small baby started crying to let its mummy know it was okay.

However she had no time to breathe as she felt baby two coming out she let out a humongous push and the head formed a tear drop shape then she pushed again screaming "NGHHHH" and soon baby 2s head emerged 2 more pushes and baby 2 was out and baby number 2 let out a cry to. Baby 3 followed in the same pattern as its previous 2 siblings. That baby cried too. Junie climed out of the water and suddenly was on her hands and knees baby 4 followed the same as it previous siblings. She had 4 babies.

2 more left. She was in excruciating pain as baby 5 followed the same as it's previous siblings. Every baby cried. Now it was time for the pain to end baby 6 was coming. Baby 6 did follow the same as it siblings. All 6 little babies cried. She held all of them and then the placenta came out and she cut the cords. Tyler walked over and looked astounded by the fact Junie was holding 6 babies. They checked each gender they had 3 girls and 3 boys. They named their babies : Olivia, Ava, Sophia, Oliver, Aiden and Sebastian.

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