At a restaurant

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Discusses the topic of Rape

Name: Maye
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Relationship status: Single
Pregnant with: 5 babies
Story: Maye was raped by a unknown man 8 months ago and he ended up impregnating her with 5 babies. She told her parents who supported her throughout her tough pregnancy to quintuplets and she got a job at a restaurant as a cleaner. She is going on maternity leave in 2 weeks so she has enough money to keep 2 babies as the rest are going up for adoption. On the day she's working the man who impregnated her comes into the restaurant causing Maye pain.
Birth story

I was cleaning a table when suddenly I saw the man who had impregnated me 8 months ago walk into the restaurant with another girl who actually looked his age. The host looked at me before saying to them "Please come this way" and she sat them far away from me. The girl looked at me and saw my baby bump and I heard her whisper "Honey, the cleaner is pregnant look" and suddenly he looked at me and suddenly he looked away "Yes how amazing honey" he replied not wanting to admit his offspring was in me.

He definitely looked like a 19 year old so no wander I was catfished by him and then when I didn't want sex he tied me up and forced me into it. He was actually 24 which was a good 6 years older than me. I couldn't care though as I sprayed another table a contraction hit me I winced and immediately my manager saw me and she asked "You good Maye?" and I nodded I was just going to have to get through this 15 hour shift then it was my day off. I was 2 hours into it.

20 minutes later a waitress walked over to the table and she ran off crying suddenly they took my cleaning equipment away from me "They want you to serve them" my manager said and I stuttered "Me? But... I'm... Just a cleaner.... Ma'am!" In protest and suddenly my manager said "I don't care they want you!" And put a waitress apron on me and gave me a notepad and I walked over to the table when I felt another painful Contraction. I finally reached the table and said "Hello!  My name is Maye and I will be your waitress today!"

I continued "May I take your drinks orders?" The lady looked at me and said "Yes I'll have a Pepsi please" and I wrote that down then she said "Blake?" and Blake said "Can I have a Sprite please" and I wrote it down. I'll be back with your drinks in 5 minutes. I suddenly felt another contraction and I bit my lip. I had been having them since the start of my shift and they were about 10 minutes apart now. I grabbed their drinks and put them in the right place when I had another very painful contraction.

"Are you guys ready for food?" I asked and the lady said "Yes, can I just have Pork chops with cheese, apple sauce and chips please?" and I pinged it to the kitchen and then Blake said "I'll have medium rare steak with chips please?" and I also pinged it to the kitchen another Contraction hit me. I couldn't even have my break if I was serving a table as it was protocol to wait till the table was eating food. 5 minutes later another contraction hit me and I winced in pain again and I suddenly got a ping.

It was the kitchen telling me they were preparing the food so I took the salt, pepper and cutlery over to them when I felt another contraction as I put them down I put my hand on my belly and the contraction was closer. Suddenly I got a ping and as I walked over to the kitchen another Contraction hit me and I winced. I picked up both plates and walked to the table. I gave them their food when another contraction hit me. "Maye can you come to my office now?" My manager said.

"Of course ma'am" I replied and I walked into her office she shut the door and sighed "After maternity leave how would you like to become a waitress?" She asked that was my one desire. "I'd love to ma'am thank you for the opportunity!" I said as another contraction hit me I bit my lip but she let me out of her office. I walked over to the table when I saw the lady picking at her pork chop suddenly another contraction hit me and I said "IS EVERYTHINGGG OKAYYY MISSS?" and she looked at me "No" she politely said.

"What's up?" I replied trying not to draw attention to my higher pitch. She said "This pork is raw and it's still bleeding". I saw blood on her plate and I grabbed the plate when a contraction hit me and almost made me drop the plate. I took it back to the kitchen "This pork is raw I want a re- fire now!" and the chefs smiled and got to work . I felt another contraction hit me and I felt something in my knickers. I brushed it off and soon the pork was done. I walked back over to the table.

"Sorry about the- WAIT" I said as another contraction hit me and she smiled suddenly though i could feel something entering my birth canal. Oh no I was giving birth. I suddenly felt another contraction as I ran to the bathroom and suddenly I saw my mucus plug I stripped my tights and knickers off as another contraction hit me I finally screamed "NGHHHHHHHAAAH" and I clutched my belly I went back into the restaurant undwearless apart from my bra when suddenly I felt alot of pressure coming from my vagina the baby's head was going to pop out soon.

This pressure was inconvenient as I waddled back to take the plates I could feel my waters bulging out of me and suddenly I looked down under my apron and I saw my amontic sac bulging out of me. I took the plates back to the kitchen and had to hover around their table when suddenly I felt something gushing down my legs and the lady said "Oh my god you're having the baby!" and suddenly I was forced down by a contraction and the lady got down and said "Hey I'm Linda I'm a midwife" she said smiling gently.

Suddenly I felt burning and I pushed suddenly Linda said "I can see the head". My manager rushed over and saw the baby bulging out of pussy lips and she said "Oh my god the quintuplets are coming!" and when I heard the cry of the first baby Linda looked a little shocked. Suddenly I felt another contraction and pushed and soon baby 2 came out. I looked at my twins the only two I was keeping. Blake got down and held my hand and I guess he wanted to support me while I was giving birth to his quintuplets.

Suddenly my waters broke again and baby 3  came out soon after. I was so tired but I had to keep going. Soon I could feel baby 4 and soon baby 4 was out I just had 1 baby left to go. I handed Linda my phone and said to call Julia, Linsey and Nathan who I said were adopting my last 3 babies born. Suddenly my waters broke and with one final effort I gave birth to the baby. All 5 were healthy and I was handed the two firstborns I didn't let them look as their siblings were taken.

I named my twins who were both Beautiful girls Gabrielle and Mariah.

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