On a plane (One baby is Breech)

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Backstory of character
Name of person giving birth: Rhiannon
Age: 3o
Pregnant with: Triplets
Relationship status: Widow of Oaken Barnes
Species: Human
Story: Rhiannon shortened to Rhia loved Oaken from the minute she saw him in year 7. They eventually decided to get together when they were 13 and when they were 16 they had an accident but unfortunately Rhia miscarried . Then when they were 23 they married eachother. Rhia then had a daughter when she was 25 with her husband and they called her Evie. Then her husbands company shot to fame overnight and the family became millionaires. When Rhia is 30 they wanted to try for another baby and they do and they get pregnant but then they find out it's Triplets. Unfortunately then their happily ever after comes undone when Oaken gets cancer and dies during Rhias eight month of pregnancy.

Birth story
Rhia got on the private plane in Amsterdam with Evie who was 6 now and she couldn't wait to be a big sister to triplets. Rhia was due next week but wanted to fly back to London ASAP so that Rhia didn't give birth to triplets on the plane however Rhia had been having some contractions but they weren't close together so Rhia knew she could make her flight. Her doctor also flew with them in case anything happened and Rhia had told her about her contractions but the doctors said the babies weren't going to come on the flight. Boy was she wrong.Rhia buckled Evie up next to her then buckled herself up.Then as they pushed back from the planes private hanger and Rhia felt a contraction shoot through her body making her wince in pain. Then 15 minutes later they were on the private runway about to take off when Rhia felt another contraction so she noted the time of the contraction which was 4:30 pm. Then 30 minutes later another of Rhia's contractions shot through her one had happened at 4:45 so they were every 15 minutes then rhia looked at the time because they were still on the runway waiting. It was 5:00 pm and they weren't even in the air. Then they rolled down the private runway and soared into the air and climbed for 10 minutes before leveling out at crusing altidue when Rhia felt another contraction. Now her contractions were closer together but there was nothing she could do until they landed on the private runway in the private London airfield then she unbuckled herself got up and unbuckled Evie "Eves go to the front of the plane where the seats for one are and sit there" she said. Evie obliged by moving herself to the front of the plane. Then Rhia found her Dr. "Hello Dr Ferguson my contractions are every 10 minutes" Rhia said locating her Dr who was also up front "Okay I'll come to the back and check how dialted you are" she said and with that they went to the seats Evie and Rhia had been sitting in a turned them into a bed Evie's old seat moving forward and then retreating into Rhias seat.Then Rhia pulled her knickers down as she was wearing a dress and laid down and Dr Ferguson fingered Rhia's vagina "Okay you're about 7 centimeters dialted so I'll stay with you would you like me to alert the pilot?" Said Dr Ferguson taking her fingers out Rhias Vagina "No leave them be-" Rhia said as another contraction hit her "Awough" Rhia moaned gently and Rhia pulled her knickers up.They left the seats as a bed and moved to two empty seats next to the bed. Then the contractions got closer together coming every 5 minutes then Rhia went to the bathroom and looked at her gigantic bump. It was so giant because there were 3 babies in there and it was a perky bump as well during her first few months of pregnancy but now the gianormus bump was sagging a bit. Rhia came out of the bathroom and another contraction hit her but she bit her lip as she walked past her daughter not wanting to alarm her. Then Rhia got back to her seat 3 and half minute later and before she even sat down another contraction rocked her. "Rhia they are getting closer" Dr Ferguson said. " Okay I'm ready" Rhia said as another contraction hit her then 40 minutes later her Contractions were on top of each other and they were painful "Okay I'm checking you again" said Dr Ferguson as Rhia once again pulled her knickers down and laid down on the bed and felt Dr Ferguson finger her vagina before taking them out "You're 10 centimetres so the baby should come into your birth canal now" said Dr Ferguson and the baby put pressure on Rhia's vagina as it came into the birth canal "Right I want you to Push" said Dr Ferguson "AWOUUUGH" Rhia moaned as she pushed and looked down and saw the tip of something coming out "AGAIN!" Dr Ferguson cried "AAWWOOUUGGHH" Rhia moaned as she pushed again and saw a bulge coming out of her vagina "Push!" Dr Ferguson said *AAAWWWOOOUUUGGH" Rhia moaned loudly as she pushed again and felt a shoulder come out "One more big push and baby 1 is out" and using her Contraction as her guide she gave one final "AWOUUUGH" and the rest of the shoulder came out along with the baby.
Dr Ferguson grabbed some string and scissors and she cut baby 1s cord as it let out a cry "Baby 1 is a girl" said de Ferguson. Rhia rested but had a few contractions and soon again the contractions were on top of each other and then Rhia felt pressure building up and then Rhia felt her 2nd baby slip into her birth canal but Dr Ferguson was washing her little girl up in the bathroom so she couldn't get her so instead she started pushing but immediately breathed as she felt the ring of fire and knew she could tear so she focused on breathing before saying to herself "Ring of fire!" And Rhia moaned in pain "AWOUUUGH" she hoped that was enough but nope. Then the ring of fire passed and she pushed and looked down and saw the tip of a bulge come out of her vagina "Baby 2 is coming out now" she said to herself as she pushed again her head looking down at her vagina she saw the bulge getting bigger and then she gave 2 more big pushes before her baby came out fully. She has delivered on her own but then no contractions came until they were flying over France which was a 1hr away from the private London airfield runway. Dr Ferguson cut Baby 2s cord and cleaned it. "It's another girl" she declared and then Rhias contractions started again and they got fast quicker than the other 2 then Dr Ferguson said "You're already 10 cm dialted so push!" And Rhia pushed and screamed loudly as she felt a pop and the gush of her fluids down her naked leg. Then Dr Ferguson saw something she hadn't seen with the other two babies she didn't see a head come out of Rhia's vagina but feet "RHIA STOP PUSHING!" she yelled "W-HHYYYYY" Rhia yelled back "It's Breech!" Dr Ferguson said "Right listen after every push I want you to breathe " Rhia listened as she pushed and then breathed "It's left shoulders out!" Said Dr Ferguson then Rhia pushed and breathed again and the right shoulder came out Dr Ferguson made an incision as Rhia pushed the head out and her baby fully came out "All girls" Dr Ferguson declared. Rhia named her babies Lottie,Lila and Lydia.

Lottie Barnes- weighing 6 pounds 3 ounces
Lila Barnes- weighing 6 pounds 4 ounces
Lydia Barnes - weighing 6 pounds 7 ounces

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