Forest floor

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Backstory of character
Name of person giving birth: Verity
Age: 25
Pregnant with: One baby
Relationship status:  Married to Arlo Wood
Species:  Fairy
Story: Verity and Arlo are the king and queen of The forest that fairies live in. They find out Verity is pregnant with an heir and they find out that for the baby to be royalty it must be born in a sacred circle on the forest foot. They prepare her for birth and the minute she goes into labour she must enter the circle on the forest floor so that she doesn't give birth elsewhere.

Birth story
The trumpets blew "Introducing King Arlo and Queen Verity" said the royal fairy butler. Then King and Queen stepped out and then the king made an announcement "Dear fairy people today we shall have a new royal!" Said the king and Verity stood there holding her bump even if she didn't go into labour today she would have to live in the circle until she did "Yes my dear fairies in this world we shall have a new royal" said Verity and with that Verity made the fly to the circle and stopped flying then the circle opened as Verity had her first contraction she sat on the forest floor and the circle closed "Let's do this" Verity said as she found the tree stump she was allowed to hold while she was giving birth she had to stay sitting on the floor though 20 minutes later another contraction hit her then her royal clothes chooser Anne came "Remember I need to strip your clothes off you need to be completely naked during birth!" Anne said and she stripped her clothes off "Thank you Anne" said Verity and she was left luckily no one could see her nudity as the circle was a tree that surrounded that bit of the forest floor. 20 minutes later another contraction hit her "Awouuugh" Verity moaned as it hit her then they came every 10 minutes until 1 hour later they started coming every 15 minutes and the 15-minute ones were more painful than the royal fairy massager came "I'm meant to massage your vagina so it's ready to give birth" she said and then The massager massaged it for around 1 hour which meant she had 4 contractions "Right I'll leave you, your majesty, good luck!" The royal massager said and with that, Verity was left alone. Verity's contractions then started coming every 10 minutes and she kept moaning for about 1hr 40 minutes Verity's contractions got closer now coming every 5 minutes they hurt the most and Verity moaned loudly no one could hear her no one was allowed to be with her, especially during a royal birth not even her husband. Then she reminded her of her mum's story that she had had to give birth in the sacred circle to Verity. Her mum died 3 years ago and to become the queen she had to find a suitor and she fell in love with Arlo the fairy milkman and they married because they both properly loved each other so much. She told herself that once she gave birth that was it she had an heir to her throne and she wasn't going to make that heir find a suitor she had changed that rule for girls when she became queen because it was time that girls could be strong on their own without a man as they were in the Human world. She felt another contraction rip through her body and breathed "Awouuugh" Verity moaned softly as she let it take her over after a while though they were every 3 and a half minutes she knew that her baby heir would be making its entrance very soon she breathed heavily after around and 1 hour and 30 minutes of 3 minute and a half contractions she finally went into the final stages of her contractions the ones on top of each other. She breathed heavily through them as they kept coming but she didn't feel anything in her birth canal then she felt pressure as her baby tried to make its way into the birth canal 'Was it stuck?' Verity thought to herself as she still didn't feel it despite her contractions being on top of each other then she felt a burning sensation as her baby tried to crown she focused on her breathing and it passed then she finally felt a pop and fluids gushed down her skinny fairy legs. She crawled to the stump and rested her back on it she decided to finger her vagina she made her way up to her cervix which was now fully dilated then she felt her baby's head crowning waiting to come into her birth canal She decided to stop resting her other hand and push then she felt some more of the head come out she looked down and saw a bulge which was her babies head come out of her vagina then she gave another push and the babies left shoulder came out then she pushed hard "AWOUUUGH" Verity moaned as her babies right shoulder came out than with one final push her baby came out she grabbed the string and scissors cut the cord and put the baby on the stump than a flash of blinding light came up from the stump and it opened up to the Kingdom her baby was able to be next in line. She presented her baby in front of the kingdom that day "Ladies and gentlemen I present the royal baby.... Girl!" Verity said holding her little bundle up for the kingdom to see "We are naming her Grace" said Arlo. The Kingdom clapped and they were clapping for about 30 minutes. The royal family wasn't complete though as Verity and Arlo went on to have 3 more children 2 girl and 1 boy. They became a complete royal family and they loved their children very much. The end.

Grace Wood- weighing 6 pounds 4 ounces

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